GSoC 2022 Apache Airavata: Final Report

Abhinav Sinha
3 min readSep 12, 2022


Transition Custos Deployment architecture from Kubernetes to a Baremetal deployment on Ubuntu VMs

Mentors: Isuru Ranawaka, Suresh Marru, Marlon Pierce

This summer, I worked with the Apache Airavata group on their security middleware — Apache Custos.

Although Apache Custos is currently deployed on a Kubernetes cluster — its size and complexity may not be ideal for a relatively small application like Custos. This project aims to develop an alternative deployment architecture for Custos that aims to simplify its deployment and backup process.

I started off by shadowing Isuru’s dev work for merging all Custos Core microservices into one module and Custos Integration services into another module.

The next step was to design the new deployment architecture. Apache Airavata uses ansible extensively for a variety of tasks. We decided on using ansible scripts to set up and deploy Custos. We decided on 3 servers —

  1. Custos (the spring boot application runs here, MySQL DB)
    I wrote the following roles for Custos environment:
    env_setup: to install software dependencies and SSL certs on the server
    nginx: configure and start Nginx reverse proxying on the server
    database: set up and start MySQL DB used by Custos
    zookeeper: set up and start zookeeper
    set up and start zookeeper
    set up and start Custos core and integration services.
  2. Keycloak (PostgreSQL DB)
    Along with the env_setup and nginx roles that are common across the 3 servers, I created the Keycloak role that includes the PostgreSQL configuration along with the Keycloak application configuration. It also starts the PostgreSQL and Keycloak servers.
  3. Vault (Hashicorp Consul DB)
    Just like Custos and Keycloak servers — I used the env_setup and nginx roles for the Vault server too. Additionally, I created the consul role and the vault role to configure and start hashicorp consul and hashicorp vault.

In the next phase of development, I wrote migration scripts for the 3 DBs. The migrate_db role is run on each of the old servers and the new servers are run with the migrate_db tag.

This DB migration was made optional by setting up the migrate_db tag. Here’s the latest PR:

Future work:
The DB migration process for Vault needs additional work to load the data into the consul server accurately. Additionally, I am working on an academic paper comparing Apache Custos’ baremetal deployment architecture with that of the existing Kubernetes deployment cluster.

I loved the GSoC experience with the Apache Airavata group and I will cherish the bonds that I have formed with my mentors and other contributors.

