Abhinav Raj
4 min readApr 30, 2023

Augmented Reality Project: Oasis

Welcome to Oasis, a complete augmented reality world that brings your wildest imagination to life. At Oasis, we aim to revolutionize the way people interact with technology by providing an immersive experience that goes beyond the limitations of the physical world. Our vision is to create a platform that allows people to seamlessly blend the virtual and real worlds, and provide endless possibilities for exploration, creativity, and entertainment.

Whether you’re a gamer, a traveler, an artist, or a business professional, Oasis has something for everyone. With Oasis, you can explore new worlds, meet new people, and experience things that you never thought possible. Imagine being able to walk through a virtual museum and interact with the art, or attend a virtual concert and feel like you’re standing in the front row. With Oasis, the possibilities are endless.

We also understand the importance of community, which is why we offer social features that allow you to connect with like-minded individuals. Whether you want to join a virtual book club, attend a virtual party, or collaborate with other creatives, Oasis has a place for you. By offering a diverse range of experiences and social features, we believe that we can attract a large and engaged user base.

Oasis is an augmented reality platform that provides an immersive experience by blending virtual and real-world environments. Our platform enables users to interact with virtual objects and characters, explore virtual worlds, and connect with other users through social features.

To ensure that Oasis meets our technical requirements and provides a high-quality experience for users, we have established the following metrics:

Latency: Our goal is to achieve a latency of less than 50 milliseconds to ensure that user interactions with virtual objects are seamless and responsive.

Image Quality: We aim to provide high-quality graphics with a resolution of at least 1080p, to ensure that virtual objects blend seamlessly with the real world and provide a realistic experience for users.

User Capacity: Our platform is designed to handle a large number of users simultaneously, and we aim to support at least 10,000 concurrent users per virtual world.

Scalability: We have designed our platform to be scalable, allowing us to handle increased user demand without compromising performance. Our goal is to support up to 1 million concurrent users in the future.

Reliability: Our platform is designed to be highly available and resilient, with a target uptime of 99.9%. We have implemented a redundant infrastructure to ensure that our platform remains operational even in the event of hardware or software failures.

Security: We take user data privacy and security seriously and have implemented robust security measures to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access to our platform. Here is my profile with some colourful badges.

Now, let’s delve deeper to understand Oasis from the designer perspective.



The player interaction model for Oasis augmented reality world is designed to provide users with a seamless and immersive experience by integrating sensing devices. The model allows users to interact with virtual objects and characters using physical gestures, movements, and actions. The integration of sensing devices enhances the user experience by providing a more natural and intuitive way of interacting with the virtual world.

Sensing Devices:

We have identified the following sensing devices that can be integrated into the Oasis platform to enable natural player interactions:

Hand Tracking: Hand tracking sensors such as Leap Motion and Ultraleap allow users to interact with virtual objects using hand gestures and movements.

Eye Tracking: Eye tracking sensors such as Tobii enable users to control the virtual world with their gaze, allowing for more intuitive navigation and interaction.

Motion Tracking: Motion tracking sensors such as Microsoft Kinect and HTC Vive Trackers allow users to control virtual objects and characters with physical movements, such as walking, running, and jumping.

Haptic Feedback: Haptic feedback devices such as gloves, vests, and controllers provide tactile feedback to users, allowing them to feel the virtual world and interact with it in a more realistic way.

Player Interaction Model:
The player interaction model for Oasis augmented reality world consists of the following components:

Data Processing: The data is processed by the Oasis platform to interpret the user’s intent and generate appropriate responses, such as moving a virtual object or triggering an action.

Output Devices: The output devices, such as the user’s mobile device or VR headset, display the virtual world and provide feedback to the user based on their interactions.

Progressively for continued skilling cycles, top to bottom

Abhinav Raj

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