Build Humanoids on Ethereum: A sample research overview.

Abhinav Raj
4 min readMar 28, 2023


Humanoids are robots that are designed to resemble humans in form and function. The concept of humanoids has been around for centuries, and many science fiction stories have featured robots with human-like characteristics. In recent years, advancements in AI have enabled the development of more sophisticated humanoids that can perform a wide range of tasks.

One of the most significant achievements in humanoid robotics is the creation of Sophia, a robot developed by Hanson Robotics. Sophia has gained worldwide attention for her realistic appearance and her ability to engage in conversation. Sophia is powered by AI, and her creators have programmed her with a variety of responses to common questions and statements.

Humanoids have several potential applications in various fields, including healthcare, education, and entertainment. For example, humanoid robots can assist healthcare professionals by performing simple tasks such as taking patients’ vitals or delivering medications. In education, humanoid robots can be used to teach students about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) concepts. Additionally, humanoids can provide entertainment by performing music, dance, or theater.

Designing a Simple Humanoid Step by Step

Designing a humanoid robot can be a complex and challenging process. However, it is possible to create a simple humanoid robot with some basic materials and programming knowledge. Here are the steps to design a simple humanoid robot:

Step 1: Gather Materials

The first step in designing a humanoid robot is to gather the necessary materials. This may include materials such as aluminum sheets, motors, sensors, and a microcontroller such as an Arduino.

Step 2: Design the Body

Once you have gathered your materials, the next step is to design the body of your humanoid robot. You can use software such as Autodesk Fusion 360 or Tinkercad to design the body.

Step 3: 3D Print

After designing the body, the next step is to 3D print . This step requires access to a 3D printer or a laser designer. You can also use a service such as Shapeways to 3D print the components.

Step 4: Assemble the Body

Once you have all the parts, the next step is to assemble the body of your humanoid robot. This step may require some basic soldering and wiring skills.

Step 5: Program the Robot

After assembling the robot, the next step is to program it. You can use programming languages such as C++ or Python to program the robot to perform simple tasks. we can also use decentralized blockchain networks to train our humanoid.

For example, a smart contract can be created to control the movements of a humanoid robot’s arm. The smart contract can specify the angles at which each joint of the arm should be positioned to perform a specific action, such as lifting an object. The smart contract can also receive input from sensors on the robot, such as force sensors or camera sensors, to adjust the arm’s position based on the environment or object being manipulated.

Another example is using smart contracts to enable multiple humanoid robots to work together on a task. Smart contracts can be created to coordinate the movements of each robot, allowing them to work together to achieve a common goal. For instance, a smart contract can be created to enable a group of humanoid robots to assemble a product in a manufacturing plant, with each robot performing a specific task.

One approach is to use Solidity, which is a contract-oriented programming language that is used to write smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Solidity can be used to define the logic of the humanoid robot, including its movements, responses to different inputs, and communication with other devices on the blockchain. The smart contract can also be designed to manage the tokens or assets used to power the robot, such as Ethereum or other cryptocurrencies.

Another approach is to use Web3.js, which is a collection of libraries that allow developers to interact with the Ethereum blockchain from within their JavaScript applications. Web3.js can be used to create a user interface for the humanoid robot, as well as to send and receive transactions on the blockchain.

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract HumanoidRobot {
uint public position;

function moveForward(uint distance) public {
position += distance;

function moveBackward(uint distance) public {
position -= distance;

function getPosition() public view returns (uint) {
return position;

Overall, humanoid programming in Ethereum blockchain offers a unique opportunity to create intelligent robots that can interact with the decentralized world of blockchain technology. By leveraging the power of smart contracts and blockchain networks, developers can create robots that are capable of executing complex tasks in a transparent, decentralized, and secure manner.

Step 6: Test and Refine

Finally, test the robot to ensure that it is functioning correctly. You may need to make some adjustments and refinements to the design and programming to get the robot to perform as desired.



Abhinav Raj

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