Abhinav Raj
3 min readMay 18, 2024

Envisioning the reality through algorithms, Inside the Creator

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Moments of Inspirations that may rely on a millions of computational algorithms channelled by a million of libraries. There are publicly available thousands of computation platforms from Anaconda to NumPy and Scikit Learn (Popularly Sklearn).

What we are envisioning now is a realism channelled by a shared computation of millions of libraries that can be maintained by sustainability programs.

I felt the open-source out of influence of AI here, before you fade

“This was my one OOP non-start-up oriented participation, I completed it, the bucket was personal but the word count by the system compiler was not-original”

Here, The AI was present, still I didn’t complete it due to varying executional cost on different algorithms.

CLASSIQ QUEST — Quantum Bootcamp & Hackathon

An open discovery and release by me to further Cyber Security Research. Presumably termed, “The Halo” has stealth replication while creating admin programs/apps on multiple instances. It has both live and zombie features.

Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) Inspired Worms Relevance: Though not strictly AGI, BCIs play a significant role in neuro-centric AI.

Function: They create pathways between the brain and external devices, enhancing AI development.

Keyword Focus: Brain-Computer Interaction, AI Advancement https://medium.com/@abhinavrajthakur/dive-into-the-world-of-neuro-centric-abstraction-in-ai-a8115bc1d0cf

Understanding Open-Source Platforms:

Research is the key to personally progressive scenarios in different climates.

Honourable Mention:

Alan Turing was a British mathematician, logician, philosopher, and theoretical biologist. He is often considered the father of modern computer science and made major contributions to mathematics, cryptanalysis, logic, philosophy, and mathematical biology. He developed the first modern computers, decoded the encryption of German Enigma machines during the second world war, and detailed a procedure known as the Turing Test, forming the basis for artificial intelligence. Turing was also a war hero for breaking the Nazi German Enigma code during the Second World War and saving millions of lives in the process.

Understanding further integrational hazards in augmented reality projects.

Even Fictions are a good source of expressionism in art,

Excerpt from a fiction

‘Hermione — you are not supposed to be in here’

To be continued

Abhinav Raj

Complete Inter-active Education. Trust In Preserving Integrity https://youtube.com/@soise2095?feature=shared (Officially Discontinued)