Nebari Kernel_cull

Abhinav Raj
2 min readJun 8, 2024


Time Outs, Telemetry Monitoring

Update JupyterHub idle-culling settings

To update the settings for managing idle kernels and terminals in Nebari/JupyterHub, modify the nebari-config.yaml file. The available options that can be modified are as follows:

  • terminal_cull_inactive_timeout: The timeout (in minutes) after which a terminal is considered inactive and ready to be culled.
  • terminal_cull_interval: The interval (in minutes) on which to check for terminals exceeding the inactive timeout value.
  • kernel_cull_idle_timeout: The timeout (in minutes) after which an idle kernel is considered ready to be culled.
  • kernel_cull_interval: The interval (in minutes) on which to check for idle kernels exceeding the cull timeout value.
  • kernel_cull_connected: Whether to consider culling kernels which have one or more connections.
  • kernel_cull_busy: Whether to consider culling kernels which are currently busy running some code.
  • server_shutdown_no_activity_timeout: The timeout (in minutes) after which the server is shut down if there is no activity.

A Sample to Study/Research the Nebari- config.yaml.



Abhinav Raj

Complete Inter-active Education. Trust In Preserving Integrity (Officially Discontinued)