Data Binding With LiveData In Kotlin part 2

abhinesh chandra
4 min readOct 19, 2022



  • One-Way Data Binding
  • Two-Way Data Binding
  • Data Binding with ViewModel & LiveData

One-Way Data Binding

  • In one-way data binding, only the data source can update the views on data change, views cannot update the data source.
  • We use one-way data binding for read-only views to update views on data change.
  • android:text=”@{}”
  • The above is the syntax for one-way data binding. here you see we are updating the text of the view using the name attribute of the employee data variable.

Two-Way Data Binding

  • In two-way data binding, the view and data source can update each other.
  • Both the view and data source are in sync. Every change in view will be reflected on the data source and vice versa.
  • It is generally used with editable fields.
  • android:text=”@={mainViewModel.nameLiveData}”
  • It has a syntax similar to one-way data binding. It has just 1 char of difference ie “=”.
  • Here we are updating the text field using the mutable live data name of mainViewModel and vice versa.

ViewModel Class

class MainViewModel: ViewModel() {

private val profileObject = MutableLiveData("Android Developer")
val profileLiveData: LiveData<String> get() = profileObject

fun updateProfile() {
profileObject.value = "Full Stack Developer"
  • we have created a ViewModel class MainViewModel.
  • we have created a LiveData object profileObject and a getter variable profileLiveData, profileLiveData is used by methods outside MainViewModel to fetch profileObject value and restrict them from changing it.
  • we have created a function updateProfile to update LiveData profileObject value.

Layout File

  • we have created a data variable mainViewModel of type MainViewModel.
  • we are updating the text view with the help of LiveData. The text will get updated whenever there is a change in the profileLiveData value.
  • In text view one-way data binding is taking place, the data source is updating the view but the view is not updating the data source.
  • Inside Button, we have created a lambda function which is calling updateProfile method which is updating the LiveData object responsible for TextView text.

Activity File

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

private var _binding: ActivityMainBinding? = null
private val binding get() = _binding!!
private lateinit var mainViewModel: MainViewModel
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
_binding = ActivityMainBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
mainViewModel = ViewModelProvider(this).get(

binding.mainViewModel = mainViewModel
binding.lifecycleOwner = this
  • Here we are inflating the layout and creating the binding instance using generated DataBinding class.
  • We have also created a ViewModel object mainViewModel.
  • binding.mainViewModel = mainViewModel
  • Here we assign mainViewModel to the data variable object so that it can access the ViewModel objects and method and update the layout.
  • binding.lifecycleOwner = this
  • It sets the activity as the lifecycleOwner and we can use this activity to observe changes in LiveData used in the binding class.


  • I found the minimum lag in updating views using data binding.
  • I tried view binding and manual methods to update views but they lag and result in a bad user experience.

One-Way Data Binding Example

  • Here I have used one-way data binding to update the profile using LiveData.

Two-Way Data Binding Example

  • Here I have used two-way data binding to update the profile using LiveData.
  • LiveData is updating textView and EditText.
  • EditText is updating LiveData as well.
  • So whenever we change profile text in EditText, it updates the LiveData which eventually updates the TextView.

