Text-to-speech on Raspberry-Pi using AWS PollyWhat is we connected a speaker to raspberry-pi which yelled out random quotes throughout the day?Aug 20, 2020Aug 20, 2020
The Silicon Valley Startup InternshipThis blog describes my experience as an intern at a silicon valley start-up — Cora Aero, which is a novel aviation solution for…Sep 26, 2019Sep 26, 2019
Totally do-able things to get that internship/jobThings that helped me secure a couple of internships and a job. Heuristic advice, presented in one place.Mar 26, 2019Mar 26, 2019
DIY Personal Yearly Goal TrackerNew Year, New Resolution and hopefully New Me!!Feb 15, 2019Feb 15, 2019
The Startup Internship — DeepSig Inc.Describes my work experience at DeepSig Inc over Summer 2018 and discusses the significant perks of working in a startup (<10 people)!Jan 25, 2019Jan 25, 2019
Grad Coursework, Spring @ ECE, Virginia Tech!Similar to my previous post about Fall Coursework at Virginia Tech, I want to write this one to share my experiences about courses and the…Jan 7, 2019Jan 7, 2019
150th Blog on the Internet for Raspberry Pi Headless setupI write this because the steps keep changing every-time I try to set-up a Pi, due to change in the state of the Raspbian OS dev.Oct 23, 2018Oct 23, 2018
Grad Coursework @ ECE, Virginia Tech!So yeah! Last few days I have been asked quite a lot of questions on the topic of basically deciding which admits to choose while deciding…Jun 23, 2018Jun 23, 2018
History and Challenges of Wearable ComputingThe last post was mainly focused on the work done by Mark Weiser(in 90s) at Xerox PARC(A very cool place to be in the 80s-90s, birthplace…Jan 28, 2018Jan 28, 2018
History of Wearable and Ubiquitous ComputingI am taking a course in Wearable devices under Prof Tom Martin at Virginia Tech. He started this course with a great introduction to the…Jan 19, 2018Jan 19, 2018