Decision around Predictions

Abhishek Singh
3 min readJun 15, 2024

Making predictions is an art in itself.

It varies through any individual or any authority.

Similarly, its quality always varies depending on who is making the predictions or what factors were considered.

Every one of us predicts daily as needed and in the required field.

So we all have to be predictors. It’s our need.

We don’t have a shortage of predictors who are always interested in other fields.

We could consider our relatives or society.

They always predict our two futures.

If we take their advice we’ll be at the peak of our life, If not …

They have infinite possibilities of our failures that can’t be discussed even in a series of books.

So, now put aside the point that prediction is important and quality prediction has considerable factors.

We need it almost every step of our life.

If we start something new we have to predict its outcomes all pros and cons and the impact of it.

Things like investment choosing any career option, starting startups and more go on. These decisions need our prediction to determine what is best for us.

Even most jobs demand sharp prediction skills.

Most of us know the importance of predictions.

We should also have some skills in it. To make decisions precisely and correctly.

A technique that worked for me

I followed a basic technique to grow my prediction skills.

So I start with step-by-step.

So firstly the purpose be clear in mind why are we doing it? What is the need? (Goal and Need).

The analysis of all the information you have about the task. More data means prediction will be more precise.

Overview of available data labels and organize them in a manner, so you can understand.

Make their categories so it could easy to read and plan.

And here comes one of the most important parts the analysis of the data.

Analyse data carefully and in detail so we can make a good decision. Check their circumstances the current condition and all other factors.

Then comes reading.

Read the data in detail and understand it properly and only move forward when you clarify the information for yourself.

And when the reading part is over then the organizing them comes into play.

Set it up category-wise.

Consider all the factors from the data you have read. Organise the data in a sequence that you think has the highest potential for success.

Finally, review the road map you created.

Review sounds simple or for many, it’s like a formality just to check it out again.

But it is more than that because when we are mid of any process we use a particular part and see what fits there.

In reviewing we read all of it and checked if every part was compatible with each other and how it looked as a whole structure.

So reviewing is very important to increase quality.


Outcome! Every one of us wants good outcomes. But most of our decisions are based on predictions.

So we could not be so certain about the outcomes because, in the end, these are predictions.

Either way, we could Give our best

May results could be not in our hands but making efforts for it is in.

End of this article but not of your thoughts.

