3 words for 2015

Abhi Rele
2 min readJan 1, 2015


A practical and useful way to live the life you want in 2015

A couple years ago, I stumbled across Chris Brogan’s concept of identifying 3 words to guide your year. I’ve found this a useful tool to organize my thinking for the things I want to accomplish in the coming year.

It works like this. You pick the 3 words that mean something to you — they don’t need to mean anything to anyone else. For each word:

  1. Define what each word means (your vision)
  2. Describe one or more strategies to translate that vision into action.
  3. Identify one or more tactics to translate each strategy into reality. Make sure these tactics are specific, and ideally something you do very regularly, even daily, so they become a habit

Don’t make it too detailed — you don’t want to miss the forest for the trees. Now, if you do the tactics, you’re well on your way to achieving your vision for the year

My 3 words for 2015 are:

  1. Family: is about spending sufficient time with family, everyday. No ifs, buts, or excuses
  2. Curiosity: is about following my curiosity. Its giving myself the freedom to learn and explore, without worrying about future outcomes and trusting that it will all add up at some future point. It’s also about living in the moment, and feeling happy by doing what engages my mind and my heart.
  3. Revamp: is about improving the quality of my life — learning and doing new things, impacting other lives, becoming more action oriented, and improving my health.

As a tangible example, for Family, one of my strategies is to spend enough time with kids every day (continuation from last year). Two tactics here are walking / dropping them to school everyday and being home for dinner every day. By being specific and making it a daily occurrence, it’s become a habit. Its also easy to track.

If you need help figuring out your 3 words, check out the one book you must read by Clayton Christensen. And if you have trouble implementing your plans for the new year, try 12in12 to make your resolutions stick

What 3 words will guide you in 2015? Here’s to a rocking 2015!



Abhi Rele

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