From Chaos to Zen: A UX Case Study

Unleashing Creativity, Boosting Productivity, and Finding Peace in Your Work Environment

Abhishek Kumar
9 min readJun 4, 2023

Hey there fellow readers, this is Abhishek here,

Welcome to the intriguing case study of the DESIGN THINKING PROJECT (DTP), skillfully guided by the seasoned mentor, UX Anudeep.

This project revolved around the captivating task of selecting a specific space from the pool of areas provided to us by Anudeep and engaging in spirited debates with fellow group members, each advocating passionately for their chosen domain.

The ultimate goal? To convince others of the worthiness of our preferred space. Once consensus was achieved, our collective mission unfolded — to identify problem statements and elevate the overall user experience to new heights.

So, you might be wondering which space I ended up with, right?

🥁 Drumroll, please! 🥁
I landed on the home office as my space

Now, let us dive into the five pivotal steps that form the foundation of our DESIGN THINKING PROJECT:

1 Empathize: Step into the shoes of our users, immersing ourselves in their world, unraveling their needs, aspirations, and challenges.

2 Define: Distill the knowledge gained from empathy into clear problem statements, defining the essence of the issues we aim to solve.

3 Ideate: Ignite the spark of creativity as we brainstorm and explore a myriad of ideas, unearthing innovative solutions that address the defined problem statements.

4 Prototype: Breathe life into our ideas by creating tangible prototypes, allowing us to visualize and experience our solutions firsthand, while further refining them based on feedback.

5 Test: With enthusiasm and curiosity, we put our ideas to the test, seeking user feedback and insights to validate, refine, and improve our concepts.

Within the confines of this captivating case study, these steps serve as guideposts, leading us towards remarkable outcomes and user experiences.

Alright! here we go.

Empathize Stage 🤝: Step into the Shoes of the User

During the Empathize phase, my focus was on deeply understanding and empathizing with the experiences of the users. This crucial step allowed me to gain valuable insights into their needs, desires, and pain points.

To accomplish this, I conducted a series of insightful interviews, designed to unravel the intricacies of their experiences.

1) Could you please tell me something about yourself (Name, age,marital status, Occupation)?

2) Do you have an office job that requires you to sit in front of the screens for long amount of time?

3) When you are working from home, where do you work from? Do you have a dedicated space where you can work from?

4) Do you ever get disturbed by other members of the house? If yes, then how often do you get disturbed?

5) Please describe your workspace for me, is it big/small? Is there enough room for you to work properly?

6) What kind of area do you live in? Is it a too active area where you have to listen to outside noises or is it segregated area?

7) How the lighting in your current home office space that you have?

8) Do you decorate your workspace in any way to increase productivity?

9) How long do you usually work for?? and how often do you take breaks?

10) What do you like and dislike about your workspace the most?

11) Can you please explain your ideal workspace for me?

Apart from this questionnaire, I also had to ask various follow up questions depending on how and what kind of answers users were providing.

Define Stage 🕵🏼‍♂️: The Quest for Clarity

After completing the interviews and diligently collecting data from each user, a multitude of problems faced by users in their respective spaces emerged. This stage of the process involved meticulously analyzing the gathered information to identify recurring issues and understand their root causes.

And based on the interview questions, I listed all of the problems faced by the users:

📌 Dust Issues: Users faced trouble when it comes to cleaning all the dust, most of the times it was because of the cables.

📌 Often gets disturbed: Users get disturbed quite often by other members of the house.

📌 Small desk space: Users doesn’t have enough room on their desk to work properly

📌 Bad Lighting: The users experiences glares on their monitors, impacting visibility, and their face appears dark and unclear during video calls.

📌 Bad cable management: Too many cable laying around from router and laptop, faces issues when it comes to cleaning and make the space cluttered.

📌 Lack of storage space: Due to lack of storage space users have to put things on table top which ends up making the whole space cluttered.

📌 No legroom: Lack of legroom due the bad design of the table or small space under the table.

📌 Outdoor noises: Users were kept getting disturbed by the noises coming from from outside.

📌 Bad chair: Due to bad ergonomics, users experience back pain or feel uncomfortable while sitting.

📌 Not enough sockets: Users faced a shortage of power sockets when trying to connect additional electronics or accessories at their home office desk.

📌 Bugs keep coming inside from window: During evening/night bugs starts to come inside the workspace through the windows

Ideate Stage 💡: Ignite the Spark of Creativity

Now that i have the problem statements ready, I started brainstorming to come up with solutions to the identified problem statements. For this stage on my DTP I used a technique called “CRAZY8”, in which we aim to come up with eight solutions within eight minute for each problem statement mentioned above.

📌 Dust Issues:
1) A small vacuum machine to clean the desk and other peripherals
2) A cover sheet which is easy to wipe
3) Install window treatments like blinds or curtains to prevent dust from entering through open windows

📌 Often gets disturbed:
1) Use DND Tags outside the door
2) An LED Signage to suggest DND Mode and Break Mode.
3) Red light indicator on the door
4) Mini Whiteboard with the message written on it

📌 Small desk space:
1) Utilize vertical space
2) Extendable table-top
3) Collapsible table top
4) Use Monitor arms
5) Add an extra desks

📌 Bad Lighting:
1) Add a new light source
2) USB powered lights
3) Desk lamps
4) Suction based light device which can stick to any surface

📌 Bad cable management:
1) Cable ties
2) A separate cable cabinet for cables to go through
3) Group cables together
4) A hole in the table for cables to pass through

📌 Lack of storage space:
1) Side drawers
2) Use the vertical space by installing shelves in a modular way
3) A separate organizing product where users can store their things like papers, files, extra accessories.

📌 No legroom:
1) Ergonomic desk that can move up and down
2) Wall mounted desks
3) Desk riser
4) Adjustable leg height
5) Use a footrest

📌 Outdoor noises:
1) Install weatherstripping on doors/windows
2) Double glazed windows
3) Noise cancelling headphones

📌 Bad chair:
1) Lockable chair legs
2) Ergonomic design
3) Retractable arm rest design
4) Replaceable cushions

📌 Not enough sockets:
1) Add extension board
2) Install a new power source

📌 Bugs keep coming inside from window:
1) Install window screens
2) Install blinds.

Once I had the solutions written down, I had to choose any of the 3 problems statements I would like go ahead with. So for that I chose to go with:

📌 Almost all of my users were facing issues when it comes to privacy during working hours, they kept getting disturbed by other members of the house.

📌 Some users also faced issues when it comes the chairs they use for long hours, like chair keeps moving, bad cushioning, have to sit uncomfortably because the arm rest keep interfering.

📌 Due to small desk space some of the users had to compromise and store some of their stuff here and there which ended up making their space cluttered, due to which often time they would spill water or some other stuff.

Prototype Stage ✏️: Bringing Dreams to Life

After narrowing down my options to three potential solutions, my next step was to select one and develop a product concept that effectively addresses the users’ issues.

And the problem statement i chose to go ahead was lack of privacy where users kept getting disturbed by other members of the house. I began brainstorming ideas for a product that could effectively address the issues.

A Mock-up of the product in active stage

The product concept I devised combines physical and digital procduct, offering users control over the physical unit via a dedicated app. Inspired by “Fitbit” devices and LED signage boards, this concept enables users to set their status as “Do Not Disturb” or “On a Break” through the app. Additionally, users can customize a message of their choice. Based on the selected status, the device will automatically lock or unlock the door, enhancing privacy and minimizing disturbances. It also uses suction cups which makes installation and removal of the product very easy.

zoomed in shot of the product
Zoomed in shot of the product
Mock-up showcasing the locking system of the product

To facilitate the locking and unlocking of the door based on the user’s status, the product will include a USB cable that extends into the room and connects to a locking system. This system will be responsible for controlling the door’s locking mechanism, ensuring security and privacy. And they can always control the lock through their phone as well weather they want it locked or not, it’ll be up-to the users.

User Testing Stage 📝: Unveiling the Ultimate User Experience

After completing the prototype concept, the next step was to conduct user testing and gather feedback from potential users. I presented the product to the users and sought their opinions, aiming to understand their experiences and perceptions of the product.

  1. What if other members of the house starts shouting from outside the room? that can end up becoming disturbing too, maybe there should be way for them to easily communicate.
  2. Users will always have to change their status, so that ends to adding another extra task on their hand.
  3. Have too drill a hole.
  4. Looks too bulky
  5. Cable not working visually.
  6. What if people are getting disturbed by kids? What if kids are so young that they cant read?

By collecting their feedback, I gained valuable insights into how users felt about the product, identified areas for improvement, and obtained suggestions for further enhancements. This user-centered approach helped me refine the product and ensure it aligns with the users’ needs and preferences.

Revised product image

I tried to push the suction cups more towards inside so that it looks as less bulky as possible.

In addition, the product concept incorporates a dedicated Intercom feature located on the right side of the physical unit, allowing people outside of the workspace to easily communicate with the user. This feature enables seamless and convenient communication without compromising the user’s privacy or requiring them to leave their workspace.

Revised locking mechanism with a built-in speaker

Moreover, the locking device will feature a built-in speaker, allowing users to conveniently listen to incoming communication when someone is using the Intercom feature. This integration enhances the user’s ability to interact with others while maintaining control over their workspace environment. and I also tweaked the visual appearance of the product which helped making the product feel more minimal and aesthetically pleasing.

Future Scope 🔮: There’s always room for improvement

There is always ample room for improvement and the potential for adding new features.

By continuously iterating and refining the digital side of the product, you can introduce new functionalities, improve user experience, and stay ahead of evolving user needs. This iterative approach ensures that the product remains relevant and provides ongoing value to its users.

And also i had lots of learning along the way as well, like

How you must never ask any leading or hypothetical questions during interviews.
Confidence to solve complex problems using Design Think Process.

Thank you for your time and reading till the end 💖
and a special thanks to g-1159 🙌 💕

Let’s connect, learn, and have a blast together! 😊
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