Nostradamus: The Correct Coronavirus Prediction

Abhishek Dasgupta
8 min readMar 28, 2020


Along with the outbreak of Coronavirus, there has been a steady spread of prophetic writings allegedly by writers and prophets alike predicting it. The most famous being the “Wuhan 400" by Dean Koontz in his book “The Eyes of Darkness” and Sylvia Browne famous passage predicting a severe pneumonia like disease spreading around 2020.

Did he predict the outbreak of Coronavirus?

When these two things happened, immediately Nostradamus enthusiasts started flooding the net with quatrains stating that even he predicted the virus. One quatrain being circulated merrily around is this one:

There will be a twin year (2020) from which will arise a queen (corona) who will come from the east (China) and who will spread a plague (virus) in the darkness of night, on a country with 7 hills (Italy) and will transform the twilight of men into dust (death), to destroy and ruin the world. It will be the end of the world economy as you know it.

The Modern Hoax

I searched high and low for this quatrain. It is not listed anywhere in his Prophecies. Finally I checked Snopes to be on the safe side and they have confirmed that its a modern hoax.

Please find a link for your reference:

Nostradamus also warned of a plague in Century 2, Quatrain 6:

“Near the gates and within two cities

“There will be two scourges the like of which was never seen,

“Famine within plague, people put out by steel,

“Crying to the great immortal God for relief.”

I studied the quatrain. It seemed too generic to be classified as a Coronavirus Quatrain. Moreover it talks about a famine localized within two cities, while Coronavirus has spread all over the world. He has also written many quatrains on plagues and famines. Hence if you want to isolate one, you have to be careful and cautious. That’s a difference between a Nostradamus geek and a person who carefully studies his work and arrives at a conclusion.

So, finally I got cracking. I wanted to see whether he had really said anything about the Coronavirus. If it was there, it was my job to find it. First of all I want to tell you all that I was a Nostradamus sceptic from day one. I always felt that his quatrains were vague and ambiguous and simply used to go through them for fun and gullibility of people on how they used to believe it with no logic or reason. But I had a made a promise from the time I read them…that if somehow his New City Quatrains came true, I would start following him religiously. Hence post 9/11, I became a follower from an armchair Nostradamus bum.

Just for the non-initiate these are his New City Quatrains. If you want to get into Nostradamus, you need to start with these.

So now lets get to the quatrain, which I feel has predicted the Coronavirus and the amazing part is that it actually may give us a clue to its origin. This quatrain is quite a famous quatrain and many misunderstood it earlier as a reference to Nostradamus trying to describe electricity or dogs or animals learning to communicate with men.

The quatrain is listed under Century 3 Quatrain 44:

Quand l’animal a l’homme domestique

Apres grands peines & sauts viendra parler,

De fouldre a vierge sera si malefique

De terre prinse & suspendue en l’air.

This quatrain has been translated in three ways from reliable sources. The first one is:

When the animal domesticated by man,

After great sorrows and leaps will come to speak,

The lightning to the virgin will be very harmful,

Taken from earth and suspended in the air.

The second one by Erica Cheetham, who is an authority on Nostradamus is:

When the animal tamed by man begins to speak after great efforts and difficulty,

The lightning so harmful to the rod will be taken from the earth and suspended in the air.

I further researched this quatrain from The Nostradamus Reader. Its available as an Ebook in Google. From there I got some valuable clues to interpret the quatrain. I am posting it for everyone’s reference. You will be amazed by some of the interpretations which seem eerily familiar with COVID 19.

There the translation virtually read:

When the dog after many trials,

Shall begin to leap and speak,

The powder loaded by ram-road shall spread the destruction around

Powder taken from the earth and exploded in the air.

After going through all the three translations this is my interpretation of the Quatrain and I will tell you why it very accurately predicts and describes the coronavirus.

When the animal domesticated by man,

After great sorrows, jumps will come to speak,

From Virgin to virgin will be so evil

Caught from the earth and exploded in the air.

I will take every line and explain it.

Let’s take the first line:

“Quand l’animal a l’homme domestique”

The translation means: When the animal domesticated by man

This means the animal which spread the virus to humans was a dog or any animal domesticated by man.Usually as per scholars and interpreters analyzing Nostradamus this is taken as a dog.

We are not certain how the Corona-virus spread from animals to humans. Its still conjecture. But as per this quatrain, Nostradamus is very clear that its a dog. We know that the virus can affect dogs. Till now there have been two confirmed cases. The first dog a Pomeranian died recently and the other one A German Shepherd has been infected. Only time will tell - the impact it has on pets.

As per Nostradamus’s prediction it was dog which spread the virus.

Lets’s take the second line.

Apres grands peines & sauts viendra parler,

The translation means:After great sorrows, jumps will come to speak,

This means that this virus has a genealogy. It has evolved and cast many sorrows in it’s trail. It maybe implying SARS and MERS and the untold misfortune people faced before it jumps on to the evolutionary ladder through the gene of a dog and finds a way to multiply itself and becomes SARS Covid 19. “To speak” also has a double meaning as it defines the mode of transmission. It can be transmitted through speech as in one’s mouth.

This could also mean just how the virus spread — maybe the dog jumped on his/her master and licked him on his mouth thus transmitting the virus to Patient Zero. There is another explanation. Maybe Dog meat bought from the wet market was consumed or sold by a person who got infected and then he/she spread it.

There is an interesting piece of news I picked up from Reuters which I am sharing:

Why did Shenzhen prepare for ban on cats and dogs after the outbreak. If there is an outbreak concerning wild animals the first animal which should be prohibited from sale should be bats or snakes, which are the most likely candidates for the Virus spread. However the draft regulation document recognized dogs and cats’ status as pets and would ban their consumption. Snakes, turtles and frogs were excluded from the approved list, despite being popular dishes in China’s south.To control the outbreak, they ban two animal meat consumption primarily dog and cat. This sounds pretty strange to me. It could only be….because they know its either a cat or a dog, which has spread the virus and it needs to be banned.

The Third line states:

De fouldre a vierge sera si malefique

The translation means: From Virgin to virgin will be so evil

This means that the virus will spread from one person to another with malicious intent. Virgin to virgin implies the alarming way the virus will find new hosts and keep on spreading with evil intent.

The fourth line is the best:

De terre prinse & suspendue en l’air.

The translation means: Caught from the earth and exploded in the air.

This describe the way the virus first spread and is spreading. Probably the dog ate something from the ground i.e. “caught from the earth” got infected and then it sneezed i.e. “exploded in the air” on his/her master who in turn got infected, which created the first strain of the COVID 19 Virus. This is also the way the virus is spreading. It can survive on any surface on earth and then people are picking it up by touching that surface and then exposing either their nose, mouth or eyes to it. And then infecting more people by sneezing and expelling it in the air. Moreover if people read the Nostradamus Reader, they will see some interesting interpretations of “the devil being mixed with the air”,which seem to exhibit the very way the Coronavirus spreads through an airborne medium.

This quatrain is truly incredible. Many people may think its a kind of a speculative work based leaps of hypothetical conjecture. But if you check it very closely. Its quite unnerving. Nostradamus even refers to the very principle the virus is using to infect. i.e. jumps and caught. The COVID 19 survival principle is jumping and catching on to any surface via its spikes. This sticky phenomenon helps them to stick and stay on any surface for a quite some time. Moreover its inert outside. It becomes active inside a host.

The clincher is “Caught from the earth and exploded in the air” What can be caught from the earth and exploded in the air. The natural phenomenon has to be something consumed from the ground and then expelled through a cough or a sneeze.

I am quite impressed by the quatrain. I am further researching on it and looking into some of the other quatrains to see if there is a connection. In my opinion Nostradamus clearly states in this quatrain either of the two:

  1. An animal domesticated by man consumes something from the ground, gets infected and then spreads it to another person through a sneeze, which spreads maliciously from one new host to another.
  2. An animal domesticated by man consumes something from the ground, gets infected and then is consumed or eaten by a person who spreads the virus through a sneeze, which replicates maliciously from one new host to another.

Its quite interesting considering in the 16th Century there was no knowledge of bio-organisms and how they spread. But Nostradamus quite vividly describes the transmission of a virus from an animal to man and the medium of a sneeze for virus transmission which can be replicated from one host to another.

This quatrain seems to be the closest to the description of bio-organism wrecking havoc on earth with pretty close similarities to the way COVID 19 behaves, survives, adapts and then attacks a human being.

Hope you enjoyed reading this article. I enjoyed figuring it out. Lets hope we find a cure soon.



Abhishek Dasgupta

9 - 7 is just a reason to survive...I live through my words.