Simplifying Data Analysis: A Revolution in Accessible Insights

Abhishek Chandragiri
3 min readApr 25, 2024


In today’s world, data drives decisions. Whether it’s understanding customer preferences or managing budgets, data analysis is crucial. However, for many who lack technical backgrounds, traditional tools can be intimidating or overly complex. What if there was a way to ask data questions as easily as asking a friend?

The Need for Simplified Data Analysis

Most people aren’t data scientists, and they shouldn’t need to be. The gap between needing data insights and being able to get them independently is wide. Many current tools require knowledge of specific programming languages or software, which isn’t practical for everyone.

Introducing the Project

My project, “Text-to-Data Retrieval and Insightful Chart Generation,” is here to bridge this gap. Imagine typing a question like “What were sales last quarter?” into a simple text box and getting your answer in seconds, both in numbers and in easy-to-understand charts. This tool combines the power of Natural Language Processing (NLP) using Google’s Gemini large language model (LLM), SQL queries, and dynamic visualizations to make data analysis as easy as typing a question.

Key Features

Natural Language Processing (NLP): By utilizing Google’s advanced Gemini LLM, my application understands your plain English questions and translates them into the data queries that databases understand. No need to know any coding!

Dynamic Data Visualization: Once your data is fetched, it doesn’t just show up as rows of numbers. My tool uses Plotly Express to turn these numbers into beautiful, insightful charts like bar graphs or pie charts, making it easier to understand what the data is telling you.

User-Friendly Interface: I built this tool with ease of use in mind. Powered by Streamlit, the interface is clean and straightforward, guiding you through each step of data querying and visualization without any hassle.
How It Works

Here’s a simple breakdown of how it works:

Step 1: You type a question about your data.

Step 2: My tool uses the Gemini LLM to understand your question and formulates a SQL query.

Step 3: This query fetches the necessary data from our SQLite database.

Step 4: The data is then automatically turned into a chart that visually represents the answer to your question using Plotly Express.

Step 5: You see both the data and the chart on your screen, clear as day!

This tool isn’t just about making things easier — it’s about making them better. It empowers all users, regardless of technical skill, to make informed decisions quickly. It saves time and reduces the frustration of traditional data analysis, and it encourages a culture where data-driven insights are the norm.

Real-World Applications

Business Intelligence: Quickly find out how new products are performing or what times of year sales peak.

Human Resources: Easily check how diverse your team is or how effective recent training programs have been.

Financial Analysis: Keep tabs on company spending and income without waiting for reports from the finance department.


My “Text-to-Data Retrieval and Insightful Chart Generation” project is more than just a tool — it’s a new way of interacting with data. It’s designed to make everyone, not just experts, capable and confident in their data analysis skills. Curious to see how it can help your team or business? Reach out to me, and let’s make data analysis a breeze for everyone!

Stay curious, keep asking, and let our AI do the heavy lifting!

Entire project can be accessed here:



Abhishek Chandragiri

Meet Abhishek Chandragiri: Expert Data Scientist & AI Enthusiast | Master’s from University of Houston