Lessons from the movie “The Intern” and how I applied them in real life.

Abhishek Sharma
7 min readJan 30, 2023


I recently came across an interesting movie that is most likely to stay with me for a long time. The 2015 movie ‘The Intern starring Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway tells the story of a retired businessman who becomes a senior intern at an e-commerce fashion startup called About-The-Fit. The film explores themes of ageism, mentorship, and the ever-evolving world of technology and business and it particularly struck a chord with me. In many ways, the movie accurately reflects the challenges and realities of the modern workplace. The characters in the film grapple with the tension between experienced older workers and tech-savvy millennials, a dynamic that is becoming increasingly common in today’s workforce. The intern’s character, Ben Whittaker, brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the start-up but struggles to adapt to the fast-paced, tech-driven environment.

I have been a lawyer for 17+ years and during my work at my law firm, Pulastya Legal, I am at a place where I often see myself pausing for a moment and thinking about what I have gained in all these years. With changing times and with the younger generation growing up, it is natural to think how it will be when I grow up like the character of Robert DeNiro as shown in the movie. Here are some of the topics that I analyzed in the movie and my take-away from the same.

Mentorship: The movie touches on the importance of mentorship in the workplace, something that made perfect sense to me. Ben becomes a mentor to the startup’s CEO, Jules Ostin, played by Anne Hathaway and helps her navigate the pressures and stresses of running a business. This highlights the value of older workers as mentors and the importance of intergenerational collaboration in the workplace. I related very closely to the concept of mentorship as I have been a mentor to many in my career, although sometimes, I miss a mentor for myself. Unfortunately, I cannot disclose the details here, but would you believe me if I mentioned that a mentee of mine named her law firm after me? The firm took my initials and started its operations in Mumbai and is going strong. Pretty interesting — right? After watching the movie I wished for a mentor like Ben for me, but I think I am at the stage where, I have become a self-taught legal entrepreneur. It has been my constant endevaour to provide mentorship in my law firm to junior associates through transfer of knowledge, skills, and experience, and ensure the continuity of the firm’s operations. I offer many interships to legal interns in my firm and I hope that they take home the lessons from my learnings.

Lesson: Always train your team members and provide them a career growth at all steps.

Pulastya Legal Mumbai office

Ageism: The movie also delves into the theme of ageism in the workplace. Ben is initially met with scepticism and discrimination by his younger colleagues, who assume that he is out of touch and unable to keep up with the fast-paced start-up environment. However, as the story unfolds, it becomes clear that Ben is a valuable asset to the company, with his experience and wisdom proving to be essential in navigating the challenges of running a business. In real life, ageism is a very real issue that many older workers face. Studies have shown that older workers are often passed over for promotions and new job opportunities and are more likely to experience discrimination and bias in the workplace. The Intern helps to raise awareness of this issue and challenges viewers to rethink their assumptions about older workers.

Lesson: Be mindful of the elders in the organization and never judge them on the basis of age. Older people are not slow and younger people are not careless.

Generation Gap: One of the most interesting aspects of The Intern is how it portrays the relationship between the older and younger generation. Through the mentorship between Ben and Jules, the movie shows that the two generations can learn from each other and that intergenerational collaboration is essential for a successful business. This is particularly relevant in today’s fast-paced, tech-driven world, where the skills and perspectives of different generations are more important than ever. It will be fair to say that I miss the touch of the elder generation in my firm. My father, who was also a lawyer would have been a great mentor to me but after his demise at the age of 54 due to cancer, I miss that maturity that the mere presence of a grey-hair individual brings to the table. The Intern also touches on the theme of the role of older people in the workforce. Ben’s character demonstrates that older people can still contribute to the workforce and can still learn new skills. This is an important message for society, as it challenges the assumption that older people are no longer capable of working and learning new things.

Lesson: Look at people based on their skills and talent. Age is really just a number in many ways.

Diversity: Furthermore, The Intern touches on the importance of diversity and inclusivity in the workplace. The startup’s team is composed of people from different backgrounds, genders, and ages, reflecting the real-life diversity that exists in today’s workplaces. The movie shows that a diverse and inclusive workplace is not only morally right but also beneficial for the success of the business.

Lesson: Continue to hire people based on their merits and not just because they graduated from a big law school or they live in a metro city. Invest in people who are willing to learn.

A casual evening outing with advocates at Pulastya Legal

Work-Life Balance: Another important aspect of the movie is how it deals with the theme of work-life balance. The startup’s CEO Jules, played by Anne Hathaway, is portrayed as a working mother who is struggling to balance the demands of her business with her responsibilities as a mother and wife. She is constantly connected to her work and is always on the go, which leads to her feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Ben, on the other hand, brings a sense of calm and balance to the startup, and his mentorship helps Jules to re-evaluate her priorities and make changes to her lifestyle. He encourages her to take time for herself and her family and to find a balance between her work and personal life. In today’s society, the pressure to always be on and to prioritize work over everything else is a common problem that many people face. This movie highlights the importance of work-life balance and the negative impact that an unbalanced lifestyle can have on one’s mental and physical health. Lawyers are often expected to work long hours and be available at all times. The pressure to always be on and to prioritize work over everything else can take a toll on one’s mental and physical health. It is important for lawyers to find a balance between their work and personal lives, and to take care of themselves.

Lesson: Our jobs are not our life. They are a part of our life. Maintain a healthy and cool environment in your office and invest in knowing the people beyond their work. They are not employees, they are your team members.

Attorneys and Staff members of my law firm Pulastya Legal

Technology: Additionally, The Intern also showcases the effects of technology on the fashion industry and how it is changing the way business is done. The startup in the movie is an e-commerce fashion company, which is heavily reliant on technology to run its operations and reach its customers. From social media marketing to website design, the use of technology is a key aspect of the startup’s success.

Lesson: Keep upgrading your skills! As a lawyer, I built my law firm, Pulastya Legal’s website on my own and learnt how to manage accounting, business development and HR management. Be open and keep learning.

In conclusion, The Intern is a movie that provides an engaging and thought-provoking look at the modern workplace. It accurately reflects some of the challenges and realities of working in a fast-paced, tech-driven environment, and it raises important issues related to ageism and mentorship. It highlights the importance of mentorship, work-life balance, and the role of older people in the workforce. The movie effectively portrays the challenges that working professionals face and offers valuable insights on how to navigate them. While it takes some creative liberties with the startup culture and the fashion industry, it serves as a reminder that the older and younger generations have much to learn from each other, and that intergenerational collaboration is essential for success in today’s business world.

PS: I took the idea of having job applicants record a 5 minute video of themselves on why they are best suited for the job and it worked wonders for our firm. Try it out!



Abhishek Sharma

Managing Partner @PulastyaLegal and Chief Advisor KruxLaw.com; A legal enthusiast and much more!