Yet another 3 am diaries

a thumb tale

Abhishek Labhe
2 min readJun 19, 2018
Source: pexels

It has been a long time; I didn’t scribble on my 3 am-diary. Reason? — I rarely woke up this fresh at my beloved time of the day. But, I hardly have an interesting story to tell. Perhaps I would continue like a typical diary —

From last two days, I am experiencing some pain at my basal joint of the left hand’s thumb. Initially, I ignored for a day, but the pain has worsened and this morning it has swollen AF. I ain’t able to even bend it.

But, you know what — I realized that I use my left thumb surpassingly. I literally counted the number of times, I tried to use my thumb and it ached like hell —
Writing my notes, flapping my laptop screen, packing my bag and putting it on, holding the grab handle in the public transport, opening a tap, using a spoon. BTW, have you tried holding a spoon using the index & middle finger? It’s quite a struggle. And, I just realized, I use my left thumb for the spacebar key. That’s like 300 times of usage for a 2-min article. Aargh!! Too much of pain — I had to use alternatives.

But, this makes me wonder — sometimes, we are so, so unaware of the elements of life we have, that we forget to be thankful for them until they temporarily or permanently are missed in our lives.

Things and especially people we take for granted. And, this is just a thumb which made me feel its presence. It could have been something serious with permanent damages — Oops no jinxing.

But, yeah! because of this thumb pain and my 3 am-realization, I am more grateful for things I have/could do — my people, my body in a healthy condition, the food I eat (especially, Alfredo Pasta :D) the state of mind, the surroundings I live in, and of course our mother nature. I hope this realization stays for a little longer.

What was your realization moment?

