The Mountains and Seas

Abhishek Pant
4 min readMay 20, 2017


Mountains and Sea — The two inimitable forces of nature coexisting

A tribute to the contrast and parallels of the mountains and seas which have forever served as an inspiration to mankind

Humans, by nature are a practical lot. Every day they go about their work, putting in the hours so they can earn that magical commodity — money. But there’s a spiritual side to them too, one which often needs a trigger to activate. So when one comes across a place which acts as that trigger and brings out the contemplative side of you, you know you’ve stumbled across a special place. Through the ages, the mountains and seas have been two such special places. They’ve acted as an inspiration for man, often awakening the ‘higher self’ which so often eludes us.

‘Beautiful’ is a word one often associates with our planet. Earth is replete with places that take our breath away, places that leave us wide-eyed as we exclaim ‘wow’. But there are also places which leave us silent as a meditative calm envelopes us. This is beauty as well. The mountains and seas have this magical effect on us. Remember the scene from ‘Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara’ which has Hrithik Roshan and co. in a trance-like state after their scuba-diving adventure (with the sublime ‘Toh Zinda Ho Tum’ playing in the background)? This is the effect the mountains and seas have on us.

At first glance, the two seem to be of vastly different nature — the harsh life of mountains versus the fun and frolic of the seas. Different kinds of media have all too often expounded this contrast. While the mountain-folk have often been portrayed as ascetic, the coastal people have been shown as hedonists (a la the Mediterraneans). However dig deeper and the parallels between the two start to emerge.

Think ‘meditation’ and there are two pictures that emerge more often than the others. One is that of a person seated, with snow-laden mountains forming a stunning backdrop as the cold breeze ruffles the hair. The other is that of a person seated overlooking the sea, the waves gently playing a game of hide-and-seek with the feet. Indeed, history attests to the fact that when confronted with the question of finding oneself, man has often ventured high into the mountains or sought the seas to find the answers.

Think ‘sunrise/sunset’ and which spectacle comes to the mind this time? Yes it’s the mountains and seas once again. Whether it’s the orange sun emerging from the mountains with iridescent rays penetrating the open spaces between the peaks, heralding the start of a new day. Or an ember sun retreating into the waters of the sea stretching out infinitely, the sky an interplay of myriad hues of orange. When it comes to sunrise and sunsets, there are not many competitors to the mesmerizing canvas presented by the mountains and seas.

It’s not just about the sights, there are the sounds as well. The quiescence of the mountains interspersed with the gentle whistling of the wind has a similar therapeutic effect as that of the splashing of waves to the accompaniment of the sea breeze. There are few sounds as tranquil.

The mountains and seas have not just engaged our senses, they have tugged at our spirit of adventure as well. Throughout history, the mountains and seas have represented the two frontiers of exploration. Humans fear venturing into the unknown. But they are also intrigued by it. For the explorers of yore, the limitless seas stretching out before them epitomized the ultimate challenge. The seemingly impenetrable mountains had a similar effect. If we hadn’t been explorers, we would not be where we are today. Names like Prince Henry the Navigator, Christopher Columbus and Marco Polo have left an indelible mark on the world history. Perhaps it is the adventures of such men which have contributed to that primal feeling of thrill we still experience when faced with an adventure in the mountains or seas. Though we may have chartered the roughest seas and scaled the most inhospitable mountains, we can never truly conquer them. We can only be visitors here.

Nature has always been a study in contrasts — from the shimmering of a starry night sky to the dazzle of auroras, from the rapid fluttering of a hummingbird to the easy glide of an eagle. These are contrasts alright, but they leave behind similar after-effects on the minds of the beholder. It is the same with mountains and seas. And while each of them is wonderful on its own, it’s the presence of both that makes life on Earth so much more magnificent. Facing difficulty in life? Looking for a break? Or looking to add a new perspective to life? Just head out to the mountains or seas, for that is where you might find the answers you seek.

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Abhishek Pant

Writing is liberation. I like to write about nature, sports, inspirations and musings on life.