Neuralink’s First Human Experiments Will Change the World Forever

Abhishek raj
3 min readJul 3, 2024


Imagine a society in which technology and human minds coexist together. A future in which direct brain-to-computer communication is possible and neurological illnesses are extinct. This is the ground-breaking reality that Neuralink is bringing to life, not science fiction — greetings from the future.

The audacious new frontier that Elon Musk, the visionary behind SpaceX and Tesla, has set his sights on is the human brain. With his groundbreaking project, Neuralink, he hopes to unlock hitherto unattainable potential and completely transform how we interact with technology.

Neuralink’s objective revolves around a small, coin-sized device that is inserted straight into the brain. This device can monitor and control brain activity with thousands of tiny electrodes with remarkably high precision.

How, then, does it operate? By establishing a connection with the brain’s neural networks, the Neuralink gadget transmits electrical signals to an external device. This makes it possible for the brain and computer interfaces to communicate in real-time.

Just think of being able to operate your smartphone, computer, or even prosthetic limbs with your thoughts. This technology promises to improve the quality of life and restore independence to those with severe neurological diseases or paralysis in ways we never imagined conceivable.

Our objective is to develop a minimally invasive, high-bandwidth brain-computer interface. There are several possible uses for this technology, including the treatment of brain injuries, improvement of human cognition, and even the development of “digital telepathy.”

Brain-computer connections are not a wholly novel idea. Scientists have investigated strategies to close the mental gap between humans and machines for decades. But because of its innovative design and state-of-the-art technology, Neuralink’s approach is light years ahead of others.

The surgical robot created by Neuralink, which can implant the device with unmatched precision, is one of the major innovations. This robot minimizes damage to brain tissue by injecting minuscule threads — thinner than a human hair — into the brain, circumventing blood arteries.
After being implanted, the gadget gives users previously unheard-of control over their surroundings by reading and sending neurological impulses to a smartphone app. However, this is only the start.

Neuralink presented a live demonstration in August 2020 with a real-time brain activity monitor on a pig named Gertrude. This was a significant turning point, demonstrating that the technology functions and is prepared for the following primary phase, human trials.

The first human neurolink trials are poised to transform the field of medicine. This technology gives patients with neurodegenerative disorders, spinal cord injuries, and other severe conditions hope for a better future. Neuralink seeks to improve mental capacity and recover lost functions by directly interacting with the brain.

“The technology developed by Neuralink has enormous promise to advance medicine. Treatments for Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and other crippling illnesses may advance. The capacity to alter brain activity creates new opportunities for neuroscience research.”

However, Neuralink’s ramifications go much beyond its uses in medicine. Imagine memorizing information better, picking up new abilities more quickly, or even going into virtual reality scenarios where your thoughts govern the world. There are countless options.

The world awaits Neuralink’s following human trials with great anticipation. The boundaries between biology and technology may become hazier as artificial intelligence and human brains merge, perhaps redefining what it means to be human.

The initial human trials conducted by Neuralink represent a significant advancement in science and a step toward an infinitely promising future for humanity. One thing is sure as we approach the dawn of this new era: Neuralink will permanently alter the course of human history.

Come along on this fantastic journey with us. The future exists right now.

To know more about the implementation of neuralink in the brain, read this article :

How Neuralink changes the world, Watch the video below:

