How to Get Rid of Brown Recluse Spiders: 20 Strategies Unlocked.

Rid of Pest
4 min readFeb 19, 2024


Brown recluse spiders, notorious for their venomous bite, often lurk in dark, undisturbed areas of homes. Here are 20 strategies to safely and humanely get rid of them to protect you and family from this ugly unwanted pests.

How to Get Rid of Brown Recluse Spiders
Eliminate Brown Recluse Spiders

Best 20 Strategy To Get Rid Of Brown Recluse Spiders Fast:

Absolutely, let’s elaborate on each strategy:

1. Understand the Enemy:

Brown recluse spiders, also known as Loxosceles reclusa, are venomous spiders known for their violin-shaped markings on their backs. They prefer to live in dark, secluded areas like closets, attics, and basements. Understanding their habits and hiding spots can help you effectively target them for removal.

2. Risk Awareness:

Brown recluse spider bites can cause necrotic wounds, which are wounds that don’t heal properly. However, it’s essential to note that these spiders are not aggressive and typically only bite if they feel threatened or trapped, such as when someone unknowingly puts on a piece of clothing containing a spider.

3. Detect Infestation:

Look for signs of brown recluse spiders in areas that are dark and rarely disturbed, such as behind furniture or in storage areas. They are nocturnal, so you may see them more often at night.

4. Preventive Home Maintenance:

Keeping your home clean and clutter-free can help reduce the number of hiding spots available for brown recluse spiders. Also, sealing any cracks or gaps in your home can prevent them from entering.

5. Glue Traps:

Placing glue traps in areas where you have seen brown recluse spiders can help catch them. Just be sure to place them out of reach of children and pets.

6. Keep Space:

Brown recluse spiders generally avoid humans and are unlikely to bite unless provoked or trapped. Give them space, and they will usually leave you alone.

7. Chemical-Free Methods:

There are several natural ways to repel brown recluse spiders, including using essential oils like peppermint or eucalyptus, which spiders dislike. You can also use a mixture of vinegar and water to clean surfaces, as this can repel spiders as well.

8. Professional Service:

If you have a severe infestation or if you’re not comfortable handling the situation yourself, it’s best to call a professional pest control service. They have the knowledge and equipment to safely remove brown recluse spiders from your home.

9. Humane Approach:

Focus on exclusion methods and minimizing attractions rather than lethal pesticides. For example, use natural methods like essential oils or vinegar to repel spiders instead of using chemical sprays that can harm them and other creatures in your home.

10. Dehumidify:

Brown recluse spiders are attracted to moisture, so reducing humidity levels in your home can help deter them from taking up residence. Use a dehumidifier if necessary, especially in areas like basements or attics.

11. Keep the Outdoors Clean:

Avoid leaving piles of leaves or other organic matter near your home, as these can attract brown recluse spiders and other pests. Keep your yard clean and free of clutter to deter them from entering your home.

12. Lighting Adjustments:

Reduce outdoor lighting at night, as bright lights can attract insects and spiders, which can in turn attract brown recluse spiders. Use motion-sensing lights or dimmer bulbs to reduce the attractiveness of your home to spiders.

13. Gardening Tactics:

Keeping vegetation trimmed and away from your home can reduce the number of hiding spots for brown recluse spiders. Also, avoid stacking firewood against your home, as this can provide a haven for spiders and other pests.

14. Door and Window Screens:

Installing screens on your doors and windows can prevent brown recluse spiders and other pests from entering your home. Be sure to keep these screens in good repair and free of holes or tears.

15. Regular Cleaning:

Vacuuming and sweeping regularly can help remove spiders and their egg sacs from your home. Be sure to clean in areas that are rarely disturbed, such as under furniture and in closets.

16. Minimalize Clutter:

Reducing clutter in your home can make it less attractive to brown recluse spiders and other pests. Also, be sure to store items off the floor and away from walls to reduce hiding spots.

17. Seal Cracks:

Use caulk or sealant to close up any cracks and gaps in your home that may provide entry points for brown recluse spiders. Pay particular attention to areas around windows, doors, and vents.

18. Mint and Eucalyptus:

Spiders dislike the smell of mint and eucalyptus, so using products with these scents can help deter them. For example, you can make a spray using mint or eucalyptus essential oil and water and apply it around entry points and dark areas where spiders may hide.

19. Peppermint Oil:

Mixing water and peppermint oil in a spray bottle and applying it around entry points and dark areas can repel spiders. You can also use a cotton ball soaked in peppermint oil and place it in areas where spiders are likely to enter your home.

20. Natural Predators:

Encourage natural predators of spiders, such as birds, lizards, and frogs, to inhabit your property. These creatures can help keep spider populations in check and reduce the need for chemical pesticides.


By implementing these strategies, you can effectively manage and prevent brown recluse spider issues in your home without relying on harsh chemicals or methods.

Remember to always follow safety precautions when dealing with spiders, and if you’re not sure how to handle a situation, consult a professional pest control service for assistance.



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