A Beginner’s Guide to Consensus Algorithms

Abhishek Ranjan
5 min readJun 18, 2023


Hello there, curious minds! As a seasoned software architect, I’ve experienced firsthand the magic, mystery, and, yes, the occasional migraine, that consensus algorithms can bring. They’re a fascinating beast: a cornerstone of distributed systems that helps us tackle real-world problems in truly innovative ways. So, grab a comfy seat and a cup of coffee, and let’s delve into this captivating world!

What is a Consensus Algorithm?

Imagine you’re planning a movie night with your friends, but there’s a dispute over which film to watch. Everyone proposes a movie, and then you need to reach an agreement on the final choice. That’s where a consensus comes in!

In the context of computer science, a consensus algorithm is a process used in distributed systems — think a network of computers — to agree on a single data value. It’s the backbone that ensures reliability, providing a unified, consistent viewpoint across all nodes in a network, even in the face of failure.

Why Do We Need Consensus Algorithms?

If you’ve ever wondered why your online transactions are safe and secure, or how cloud-based applications maintain data integrity, thank the invisible consensus algorithms working tirelessly behind the scenes.

These algorithms play a pivotal role in:

  1. Fault Tolerance: They ensure that system continues to function even when some nodes fail or act maliciously.
  2. Data Consistency: They ensure that all nodes in a distributed system agree on the same value.

Extended Understanding of Consensus Algorithms

1. Proof of Work (PoW)

PoW is the oldest and most well-known consensus algorithm in the blockchain space, thanks to Bitcoin. It’s a cryptographic puzzle that miners solve. The first one to solve it adds the next block to the blockchain and gets rewarded.

The principle behind PoW is simple. Solving the puzzle is hard, but verifying the solution is easy. This asymmetry ensures that even though creating a new block is computationally and energy-intensive, once a block is created, anyone can easily verify its validity.

On the downside, PoW uses a lot of electricity, making it environmentally unfriendly. Additionally, it may not be the most democratic system since miners with more computational resources are more likely to add the next block.

2. Proof of Stake (PoS)

PoS was proposed as a greener and more scalable alternative to PoW. Instead of miners, there are validators who lock up some of their cryptocurrency (their “stake”) as a bet on which blocks are valid. If the block they bet on gets added to the chain, they are rewarded proportionally to their stake.

The security of PoS comes from the economic investment of the validators. They have a vested interest in the correct operation of the system — if the network falls into disrepute, their stake becomes worthless.

PoS is more energy-efficient than PoW, and it’s said to be more democratic because the chance of creating a block doesn’t depend on computational resources. However, it still favours those who hold more currency.

3. Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT)

In PBFT, all nodes in the network communicate with each other to reach consensus. The algorithm can tolerate up to (n-1)/3 faulty nodes in a network of n nodes.

The main idea is that each node maintains an internal state. When a node receives a message, it uses the message in conjunction with its current state to run a computation and possibly change its state. It also might decide to send messages to other nodes.

PBFT provides safety as long as less than one-third of the network’s nodes are faulty. It is most suited to permissioned blockchain systems where the identity of all participants is known, making it less likely for a large number of nodes to turn malicious.

4. Raft

Raft is designed to be more understandable than other consensus algorithms. It ensures that each entry in the log is replicated on a majority of the nodes in the network, providing data redundancy and fault tolerance.

In Raft, one of the nodes is elected as the leader. The leader is responsible for managing log replication on the other nodes. If a leader fails, the other nodes hold a new election.

Additional Consensus Algorithms

Let’s also touch on a couple of other interesting algorithms:

5. Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS)

DPoS is a variant of PoS. In DPoS, holders of the currency elect “witnesses” and “delegates”. Witnesses are responsible for validating transactions and creating blocks, while delegates have the power to change the network parameters.

6. Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP)

The Stellar Consensus Protocol is a construction for federated Byzantine agreement (FBA), which enables decentralized, low-latency transactions. It provides a way to reach consensus without relying on a closed system to accurately record financial transactions.

Making the Right Choice

Picking the right consensus algorithm for your use case can significantly impact the success of your system. As we’ve seen, different consensus algorithms have different strengths and weaknesses. They balance the trilemma of scalability, security, and decentralization in different ways. Understanding these trade-offs is key to making the right choice.

Real-World Examples

Finally, let’s check out a few real-world examples!

  1. Bitcoin: Uses PoW to validate transactions and add them to the blockchain.
  2. Ethereum: Currently uses PoW, but is moving towards PoS to save energy.
  3. Hyperledger Fabric: Employs PBFT for its permissioned blockchain network.
  4. etcd: An open-source key-value store for shared configuration and service discovery, using Raft consensus.


Consensus algorithms are the hidden heroes of the blockchain world, but they are by no means limited to it. Any time you have a distributed system that needs all nodes to agree on a shared state, a consensus algorithm will be at the heart of it, ensuring reliability, security, and data integrity. The more you explore these algorithms, the more you’ll appreciate their elegance, and the innovative solutions they offer to complex problems.

As always, keep exploring, and keep asking questions. There’s always more to learn in the world of consensus algorithms!

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