Best Online Image to Base64 Converter Tool

Abhishek Sharma
4 min readMar 18, 2023


As the online world becomes increasingly visual, the need for tools that can help manage images also increases. One such tool is an online image to Base64 converter. This tool converts images into a string of characters that can be easily embedded into web pages or used in CSS files. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what an online image to Base64 converter is and why it’s beneficial for web developers.

What is an online image to Base64 converter?

An online image to Base64 converter is a tool that converts an image file into a Base64 encoded string. Base64 is a binary-to-text encoding scheme that represents binary data in an ASCII string format. By converting an image into a Base64 string, web developers can embed images directly into HTML or CSS code, without having to load the image file separately.

Why use an online image to Base64 converter?

Using an online image to Base64 converter has several benefits for web developers. Here are some of the main advantages:

  1. Faster page loading: By embedding images directly into the HTML or CSS code, you can avoid additional HTTP requests for image files, which can slow down page loading times.
  2. Easier maintenance: When using an online image to Base64 converter, you don’t have to worry about managing separate image files. This can make maintenance and updates to your website or application much easier.
  3. Improved security: Since you’re not loading images from an external server, an online image to Base64 converter can improve the security of your website or application.
  4. Cross-browser compatibility: Using an online image to Base64 converter ensures that your images will display consistently across different browsers and devices.

How to use an online image to Base64 converter?

Using an online image to Base64 converter is simple and straightforward. Here are the basic steps:

  1. Choose the image you want to convert: You can either upload the image file directly to the online tool or provide a URL for the image.
  2. Convert the image to Base64: Click on the “Convert” button to convert the image file into a Base64 string.
  3. Copy the Base64 string: Once the conversion is complete, copy the Base64 string and use it in your HTML or CSS code.

What is the Image to Base64 tool?

Image to Base64 is an online tool that can help you convert your images in almost all formats (JPG, PNG, etc.) to Base64.

How to convert Image to Base64?

  1. Open ToolsinCloud’s free and online Image to Base64 converter.
  2. Now Choose/Drag and Drop the Image File you want to convert to Base64.
  3. Now click on the Convert button and let us work our charm to convert your file to Base64.
  4. Copy the generated Base64 content.

Why Choose Us?

  • Good Quality
  • Toolsincloud is providing the best qualitative conversion rate fully free. To get the highest quality for converting Image to Base64 make sure your image is not corrupted. Our powerful tool will convert the Image into your desired Base64 format.
  • Privacy Matters
  • We know the importance of your privacy. So we don’t store your files for more than 24 hours. It will always be automatically deleted from our server. If you request the download link that link will also not work after 24 hours. We added this feature for your privacy.
  • Supported Platforms
  • Our website supports every operating system in the world such as “Windows, Mac, and Linux”. Also, we have cross-browser support features. For Image to Base64 conversion, you don’t need to use any specific version of the browser.
  • Cloud-Based Performance
  • Toolsincloud is a fully online-based application and it allows you to convert your file from Image to Base64 fully free. Once you will upload the document to our website, it will be stored on our server for 24 hours. The conversion process will totally be done on our server.

What is data:image/png;base64?

data:image/png;base64 tells the browser that the data is inline, is a png image, and is in this case base64 encoded. The encoding is needed because png images can contain bytes that are invalid inside an HTML document (or within the HTTP protocol even).

What does an encoded image look like?

Once converted to Base64, encoded image data will look similar to this (shortened for simplicity):


The string can be used instead of an URL in the src attribute of the img element in HTML:

<img src="..." />

Or you can insert the string as a background-image in CSS:

background-image: url("...");

Other file types like XML and JSON also support Base64 encoded images. Start by uploading an image file above and play with the different possibilities.

What are some of its other names?

  • Image to Base64
  • Base64 image encoder


An online image to Base64 converter is a useful tool for web developers looking to improve page loading times, simplify maintenance, and enhance security. By converting images into a Base64 encoded string, you can embed images directly into HTML or CSS code, avoiding the need to load separate image files. When using an online image to Base64 converter, it’s important to choose a tool that is easy to use, fast, and compatible with different image formats.

