What is the difference between “validate” and “validates” in the rails model?

Abhishek Tanwar
1 min readDec 26, 2023


Hello friends, In Ruby on Rails, the terms “validate” and “validates” refer to different aspects of the validation process in a model.

  1. validate (singular):
  2. validates (plural):

validate (singular):

  • The validate method in a Rails model is used to specify custom validation methods.
  • When you use validate, you are telling Rails to call a specific method (or multiple methods) during the validation process. These custom validation methods are responsible for checking the validity of the model's data based on your custom criteria.
  • Example:

validates (plural):

  • The validates method is used to apply built-in validation rules to model attributes.
  • With validates, you can specify rules such as presence, length, numericality, and more for individual attributes of the model.
  • Example:
class MyModel < ApplicationRecord
validates :name, presence: true
validates :email, uniqueness: true, format: { with: /\A[^@\s]+@[^@\s]+\z/ }

In summary, validate is used to define custom validation methods, while validates is used to apply built-in validation rules to model attributes. Both are essential for ensuring the integrity of data in your Rails application.

