3 min readNov 22, 2023

I got selected as the GDSC Lead for Quantum University for the tenure of 1 year. I was so excited.As a GDSC Lead my duty was to teach and help my peers in the university and locality too.Mu goal was to build a good community with entrepreneurs.

So here comes my first event that was

Google Cloud Study Jams!!!

It was a fabulous event and it was about 30 days!

Let’s start with how I started my journey as a Google Cloud Study Jams Facilitator.

So GDSC India held a meeting with all Leads over India.We were told about the upcoming event that was Google Cloud Study Jams.We were very excited,we were asked to select a facilitator for the event .Then I held a meeting with my core team and I took the responsibility for our very first event.

First of all,leads were asked to circulate the registration form for Google Cloud Study Jams in their respective universities.

But the first problem we encountered was that the registration form was a little bit troublesome for the first year students to fill, so we organised an info session for the Google Cloud Study Jams.

We make students understand the steps and make them fill the form.

Now the registered students got the mail for successful registration by the side of Google Cloud.

Now the mail contains the particular code to be redeemed on qwiklabs.com. So we took 3 meetings on Google Meet on the same day to make students understand how to redeem their code and use the cloud platform.

We also performed some labs so that students can carry on with the course.

There were two modules in the Google Cloud Study Jams.

  1. GenAI Arcade Game level 3
  2. Google Cloud Computing Foundation

Now the next problem arose was the students used their limited quota on 1 lab that was only 5 times .

So the students were unable to do the same lab,we tried my experiments on the platform and came up with the solution that the chat support was very helpful in this matter and told students to do the same .

The next problem arose was the students were unable to perform some difficulty labs,so again we took a session and made students understand those difficult steps in the labs .

The third problem was studying redeemed the code on unregistered email,now GDSC India helped a lot in this matter,by releasing out the forms for the particular problem.

And now we all know the main problem for the leads,yes it was how to achieve our milestones.

So as a lead,my duty was to make students understand the core concepts rather than the achievement of mine.

I sacrificed my lot of lectures for the students and gave time to them in the library.By this I easily achieved my goal with 80+ completions,but I was not satisfied I again promoted the event on the WhatsApp groups and distributed the list of the registered students with my core team,my core team instantly took the responsibility and started following the status of the particular given students.My core team made them to complete their labs and in this way total 147 students completed the course in my university.

Google Cloud Study Jams

It was a very nice feeling to me as a Lead in my university that I made 146+ (me) students understand the core concepts of cloud.