Dynatrace Monitoring Setup for MuleSoft

Abhishek Srivastava
3 min readMay 10, 2023


Why Dynatrace :

  1. It is easy to use.
  2. Can monitor activity for all your mobile and web application users, across all devices and browsers.
  3. Efficient in providing real-time data .
  4. Optimises network traffic.

Let’s start with all setup we need:

MuleSoft setup

“Please create Anypoint account before creating connected app”

1. Create Connected app

2. Copy Client ID and Client Secret in clipboard and provide scope as shown in screenshot.

3. Deploy Sample Application and give the properties and apply

Dynatrace Setup:

1. Sign-Up at Dynatrace.com

2. Download OneAgent > Install OneAgent

3. Download and Install Dynatrace- ActiveGate for Windows/Linux — https://tnn52174.live.dynatrace.com/ui/deployment/activegate/windows?gtf=-30m&gf=all

4. Generate pass token and install

5. Run Dynatrace Service on Windows: Task Manager > Services > start below services

6. Check in search for Process groups à Dynatrace ActiveGate and Check the status

7. Go to Dynatrace UI > Search Extensions and Select MuleSoft CloudHub

8. Select Version and Add Configuration:

9. Select Active Gate which you have created

10. MuleSoft Domain URL

· This is the URL to access your MuleSoft account, for most cases this is https://anypoint.mulesoft.com

· For Europe, this is https://eu1.anypoint.mulesoft.com

· For Government Cloud this is https://gov.anypoint.mulesoft.com

11. MuleSoft Client ID

· From the connected app you created, copy the Client ID

12. MuleSoft Client Secret

· From the connected app you created, copy the Client Secret

13. MuleSoft Organization/Business Group ID

· Optional, if empty the default Organization ID will be used

14. Frequency

· How often should we collect data

15. Environments filter

· Optionally you can filter to only monitor certain environments and applications

· These filters behave as “contains”

· You can have multiple filters for a single monitoring configuration

16. Proxy

· If you need to use a proxy to access the MuleSoft API, you can configure it here

17. Finalize the Configuration with any description and Go to Dashboard one the configuration is verified.

Now, start monitoring your mule-apps.

And contact me if any error arises

email: abhi.sri784@gmail.com

github: www.github.com/thunderpycode

