Published inDailyJSThe WHY behind the WAT: An explanation of JavaScript’s type systemSo if you’ve been in the JavaScript world for a bit, you’ve probably come across Gary Bernhardt’s “Wat” talk.Jan 25, 201813Jan 25, 201813
Published inWe’ve moved to to use Python and Flask to build a web app — an in-depth tutorialPython is an incredibly versatile language. It’s considered to be a staple of modern development. It’s used for the simplest of scripts to…Dec 19, 20175Dec 19, 20175
Published inHackerNoon.comMaking the Web More Accessible With AIAccording to the World Health Organization, approximately 285 million people are visually impaired worldwide, and in the United States…Aug 22, 2017Aug 22, 2017
Published inTDS ArchiveArtificial Intelligence and the Rise of Economic InequalityTechnology has played a key role in the United States labor market for centuries, enabling workers to carry out their daily tasks in a much…Aug 9, 20179Aug 9, 20179
Published inWe’ve moved to we built an app that uses worker location history to combat wage theftIn 2008, the Center for Urban Economic Development surveyed 4,387 low-wage workers in Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York City. They wanted…Mar 20, 20175Mar 20, 20175
Published inWe’ve moved to we got our 2-year-old repo trending on GitHub in just 48 hoursGithub has made it easy for millions of developers to publicize their projects so they can attract users and collaborators. But these…Jan 27, 201713Jan 27, 201713