2 min readSep 19, 2023



How it’s started

Feminism has undergone significant changes over the years, evolving in response to societal shifts and new perspectives. Here's a brief overview of how feminism has changed:

First-Wave Feminism (Late 19th to early 20th century):

  • Focused on women’s suffrage and legal rights.
  • Women’s right to vote and improved property rights.

Second-Wave Feminism (1960s-1980s):

  • Addressed broader gender inequalities, including workplace discrimination and reproductive rights.
  • Equal pay and the sexual revolution.

After all these years the concept of feminism started to change day by day.

For example in the beginning days women want equity in payment, right to vote and they want to be independent in financially. But, the problem is now they want right to abort their child, and they want to be like a man.

As a girl I am really shameful for all these. Now a days most of the women have their own job they are financially independent they are doing well in their own live.

Feminism increasingly embraced the rights and experiences of transgender and non-binary individuals. Inclusivity within the movement became a priority, with many feminists advocating for LGBTQ+.

While these waves provide a broad historical overview, it’s important to note that feminism is not a monolithic movement, and there are diverse perspectives and approaches within each wave and across time. Feminism has adapted to changing societal contexts, emerging challenges, and a deeper understanding of intersectionality, making it a continuously evolving force for gender equality.




Hello guys... my name is Abi and I am currently doing my masters degree in Biological Science. I will talk about nature and it's problem along with life style.