One-minute principle for effective learning…..:)

Abida Shaheen
3 min readMay 25, 2017


I am not very lazy person but sometime feel that I can’t do some specific things like maths, physics and one of the most difficult is Blog writing. I tried many many tricks like time management techniques, short term work, work at effective time, mother force etc. but can’t get satisfaction.

From Amal I come to know one more trick which is . For this I make list of tasks than arrange them according to their importance after that set the time to complete them. When I start to do something like write a blog I set a timer of 25 mins and off all my other activities to make good concentration. After 25 mins I take a break of 5 mins and again start my work. This trick helps me a lot to make good concentration and do work more effectively.

It is good for many tasks but in the case of thing like to learn something new or have no knowledge about it. I want to learn Arabic Language but till can’t do it. It is not just because that is is difficult but more due to laziness. I plan many many time but all failed. Recently I come to know something new to overcome laziness and it is about to spend 1 min of the day for such tasks.

In Japanese culture there exists the practice of Kaizen, which includes the idea of the ’one-minute principle’ for self-improvement. At the heart of this method is the idea that a person should practice doing something for a single minute, every day at the same time. Clearly, it shouldn’t be any trouble for absolutely anyone — even the laziest person — to carry out a given task for such a small amount of time. Whereas you will more often than not find an excuse not to do something when faced with carrying it out for half an hour or an hour a day, you should be able to do without any misgivings for just 60 seconds.

It’s important to overcome that lack of confidence you might have in your own abilities, as well as free yourself from those feelings of guilt and helplessness. You need to experience a sense of victory and success to move forward. When you’re inspired by such feelings, you will gradually begin to increase the amount of time you spend doing the task which you have set yourself — maybe at first just for five minutes more, but then this will soon turn into half an hour, and then even longer after that. In this way, the one-minute principle lets you see the progress you’re making right before your eyes.

Kaizen originated in Japan. The word itself contains two roots — ‘kai’ (change) and ‘zen’ (wisdom). It was invented by Masaaki Imai, who believes this philosophy can can be applied just as successfully to the world of business as it can be to one’s personal life.

The end result of thinking that big changes require big steps is that we get burnt out and overwhelmed. When we start to spend one min on such task than with the passage of time duration will increased due to increase in effectiveness and interest in the task.

I advice you all to at least try it one time t start something new for which you feel laziness . I hope that you will definitely get good results and also advised others to do so…:)

