2 min readJul 2, 2024


Bill Gates is the richest man in the world. Someone asked Bill Gates, "Is there anyone richer than you in the world?" Bill Gates said, "Yes, there is a person who is richer than me." Then, he told a story. It was a time when I wasn't rich or famous. One day I was at the airport in New York. Then I saw a newspaper vendor. I wanted to buy a newspaper from him. But then I had no money. So I dropped the idea of buying newspapers and gave it back to the seller.

I told him I didn't have enough money. The vendor told me, "I'm giving it to you for free." "I took the newspaper at his request. Coincidentally, two to three months later I landed again at the same airport and even that day I did not have change money to buy the newspaper. The vendor again offered me the newspaper for free. I refused it and said I couldn't take it. Because I still don't have enough money. He said, "You can take the paper, I'm dividing it from my profits." It won't hurt me. "I took the newspaper.

After about 19 years, I became famous and known to people. Suddenly, I remembered the newspaper vendor. I started looking for him and after about a month and a half of searching, I found him. I asked him, "Do you know me?" He said, "Yes, you're Bill Gates." I asked him again, "Do you remember?! Did you give me a newspaper for free?

The vendor said, "Yes, I remember. "I gave you a newspaper twice. I said, "I want to return the help you gave me then." Tell…

