All Good Things Must Come to an End

Abby Modaff
3 min readOct 21, 2018


There is a saying “All good things must come to an end” that dates back to the 1300’s. As I sit on my couch thinking about how it is even possible I am celebrating my last homecoming as a student it hits me, in less than 24 hours I will be a retired athlete.

Within the next 24 hours, I will lace up my basketball shoes and put on my jersey for the final time. As I think about all of the memories, I had made through my basketball career from when I started in the 3rd grade… I had come a long way since that CYC league. I look back on the friends I made through my first select team. I look back at all the cities I got to travel to and the D1 college coaches I got to play in front of during my AAU basketball seasons. I look back at the frustrating times I had throughout high school and the balance between having fun and getting to the next level. I look back at all of the fantastic coaches I had throughout my career (WAY too many to name). I look back at how it brought me to Greenville.

Many people know I hurt my foot my senior year in high school and proceeded to have four foot surgeries throughout the next three years. Being injured is no way that a college athlete wants to spend their college career. Every open gym and practice I sat behind the clock or on the baseline. It was not always easy to be the person that was always hurt on the team; actually, it was never easy to be the person that was always injured. Although my time was spent a little different with the women’s basketball team I was lucky enough to be a part of something special, I got to be a part of a family that helped shape me into the person I am today.

I am brought back to the saying “All good things must come to an end” and how in this situation although the journey was hard and I didn’t understand everything that I was learning while I was going through it, in the end, it was a good thing. As practice started this season, I decided that I was going to try and play although I had just found out I had a torn tendon in my arm (I know I am very clumsy). The first three days of practice came and went, and they were three of the hardest practices I have ever experienced. Keep in mind that I had not played competitive basketball for almost three years and I could only catch the ball with my right hand. The next day I went to my coaches office to discuss that I was going to have to hit pause on the game because of the pain in my arm and the overall stress playing the game of basketball at the collegiate level after taking three years off was putting on my body. After a difficult conversation we decided, although I had made it this far without giving up, it was probably time to call it quits on my career. Although those were not words, I wanted to hear the saying “All good things must come to an end” came to mind. It made me realize all the memories I have gotten to make and friends I have gained during this experience.

I am beyond thankful to be a member of the Greenville University Women’s Basketball team. I am grateful for the amazing coaches I have had during my time here (Coach Mo, Coach Sky, Coach Reinhard, Coach Faulkner, Coach Katie). I am thankful for all of my teammates both present and past and for letting me tag along for all the fun rides. Finally, I am grateful for my parents and them teaching me not to give up on something unless you have given everything you have.

That’s a wrap.

Officially a retired athlete.

