Airbnb Data Analysis With PowerBI

Ijadele Abigail O.
2 min readAug 3, 2023


Despite the significant impact of the global pandemic on its business, Airbnb stands out as one of the shining stars in recent years, connecting people in need of accommodation with those offering places to stay. This article focuses on analyzing Airbnb data for listings in New York, which was collected from the Airbnb website in 2019.

The Airbnb Market Analysis in NYC offers valuable insights into various key metrics, providing a comprehensive overview of business performance. This data analysis story explores the highlights and trends observed from the provided data.

Dataset: Newyork_Airbnb_Market Link:

Analysis Ideas:

What is the average price, per night, of an Airbnb listing in NYC?

How does the average price of an Airbnb listing, per month, compare to the private rental market?

How many adverts are for private rooms?

How do Airbnb listing prices compare across the five NYC boroughs?

Data Preparation

  1. Imported the CSV file into PowerBI
  2. Conducted ETL (Extract, Transform, Load):
  3. Changed the column datatype to the right data type
  4. Convert Primary keys to a text datatype
  5. Used Split column by delimiter (,) to get distinct Boroughs
  6. Used Split column by Digit &Non-Digit to get the Price column
  7. Replaced column ‘room_type’ with a common character to have a unique ‘room_type’
  8. Ensured there were no duplicates or blank spaces.

Data Modelling: Performed Data modeling; One to One relationship using ‘Listing_id’ as the foreign key to connect other tables together.


Created some Calculated Measures using DAX (Data Analysis Expressions):

  • Average Price
  • Average Price per Month
  • Total Price
  • Total Listings
  • Total Adverts for Private rooms
  • Calendar Table; Year, Month, Year_month to order the Month

Designed a Visualization pane using Powerpoint which I Imported to PowerBI Canvas Background as my Dashboard.

Insights from the Analysis:

  1. The Average price per night for Airbnb in NYC was $141.78
  2. Manhattan Borough had the most expensive listings, while Bronx had the most affordable listings, likely because most Airbnb houses are in either Manhattan or Brooklyn.
  3. Higher demand for Entire homes/apartments and private rooms contributed to their higher prices compared to shared rooms.
  4. Private rooms accounted for 11.356K listings, which is approximately 45% of the total advertisements.
  5. June had the highest number of reviews, indicating a potential high number of visitors during that month, while February had the lowest number of visitors.

Then I published my PowerBI reports and dashboard to PowerBI service, making them accessible and interactive below:

