Full Moons and Dumpster Diving

3 min readAug 3, 2022


Photo by Davide Sibilio on Unsplash

A few weeks ago I decided to venture out to the beach alone to read during sunset and watch the full moon rise.

Life had been confusing and everything felt foggy, so some time in nature was well overdue.

I often forget that something as simple as stepping outside for a short while can literally improve my mental situation tenfold.

I got out there and almost instantly knew that I wasn’t going to stay out as long as I wanted.

I brought so many books, my journal, tarot cards, you name it.

I was planning on having myself a night.

But once I started to try and read I realized I was forcing it.

I was meant to just lay down and exist in that moment.

I listened to the sound of the waves crashing and the chatter between the family not too far from me.

I didn’t think about anything, I just closed my eyes and focused on my breath.

Slowing down is hard for me- very hard.

I’m still working on not believing I need to be doing something every waking moment of being in order for my manifestations to come into reality.

So I sat. And I listened.

As I was laying down I heard a familiar voice call from behind me.

My best friend just happened to be out at the beach doing the exact same thing I was doing and noticed my car in the parking lot.

We hadn’t seen each other much this past month because our lives were chaotic and unstable at the time so we have been giving each other healthy space to clear out our own shit.

We sat in silence and stared at the moon. There wasn’t much we needed to say.

After about twenty minutes it decided to start pouring so I ran into the ocean, danced around in the rain, and drove home soaking wet with a huge smile plastered across my face.

On my way home my roommate called me and told me that there was a shit ton of furniture left outside because they were cleaning out the vacated apartments in our unit.

So, as anyone else would do if they were temporarily unemployed, we through TVs and chairs in my car and hoisted a leather couch on my roof to drive them back to our apartment.

Our plan was to sell them and use the money to buy a vacuum we so desperately needed.

I cannot even begin to explain how much laughter and fun we had while we knowingly dumpster dove at 11 o'clock at night.

Or the fact that we now have an obscene amount of random furniture in our apartment, some of which we even decided to paint and keep.

These are the funny stories that I am going to look back on and tell my future people.

These are the small stories that make up my life.

Once I got quiet, things started to fall into place.

So maybe the solution isn’t always to take action.

It’s not always to read a book, or journal, have a self-care night, clean your house, or make a pros and cons list.

Sometimes the solution is to simply be still.

To stop trying so hard and allow life to happen in whatever way it’s meant to unfold.

Because once we slow down and stop trying to force every small detail,

life happens.

