Trends in the Cosmetic Industry Abigail Trudden says you Must Know About

Abigail Trudden
3 min readJun 27, 2019


Abigail Trudden — Trends in the Cosmetic Industry

What’s new in the ever-changing cosmetic industry this year? For starters ‘green’ is in, with more sustainable products coming on the market than ever before and manufacturers sharing more details about their processes and products to help consumers make active decisions about their skin care and cosmetics choices. Besides eco-friendly alternatives, what else is trending in the cosmetic industry? According to Founder and CEO of Redefyned Skincare in Garden City, New York, Abigail Trudden color is everywhere this year, with sparkles and gels added to the mix for a fun, vibrant effect. Look for out-of-the box applications and crazy color schemes this summer that make a statement. In addition, skincare is another area getting a lot of buzz, with more do-it-yourself products available to consumers. Let’s take a closer look at a few of the major cosmetic trends that Abigail Trudden is noticing this summer.

Color — Everyone is showcasing new and vibrant colors, with glittery, sparkly accents and products as well. For example, Abigail Trudden has noticed that bright coral colors are in and glossy finishes are picking up steam as well, adding a colorful glow to your lips this summer.

Sustainability — Green and environmentally friendly cosmetics are growing in favor as consumers across the globe push for sustainable options. Finally, major international manufacturers are getting on board in a real way, following what smaller and independent cosmetics and beauty brands have been actively promoting for a long time — the importance of minimizing corporate and consumer footprints and long-term global impacts. According to Abigail Trudden the push for sustainability includes a major reduction in packaging and plastics, as well as a huge reduction in water consumption by manufacturers. Some of the top brands have released in depth sustainable goals this year.

Gender Neutral — The number of gender-neutral products has increased dramatically, with design ranges driven not by gender norms but embracing gender fluidity instead. A push towards diversity and inclusion across the cosmetics field is on the rise, with more inclusive advertising campaigns that span gender, age, and ethnic gaps. Products made specifically for darker skin tones are on the rise as well.

Transparency — Corporate transparency is coming to the cosmetic market, with more information being shared by major manufactures on their processes, ingredients and products than ever before. Natural brands already print all of their ingredients clearly on cosmetic packaging, but larger brands are beginning to follow suit as well, which is good news for savvy consumers everywhere.

Gels — A new trend in formula is gel applications, including gel emulsions and gel balms. These formulas are a versatile solution which can help blend and absorb cosmetics into your skin for a more natural look, says Abigail Trudden. They also allow for use in multiple areas, for example cheek gels used as lip stains; adding versatility to your cosmetics regiment.

Skin Care — The importance of skin care is on the rise, as are the number of do-it-yourself products now available in the market. For example, Abigail Trudden states newer skin yogurts provide relief after sun exposure, to cool and moisturize your face; an innovative new product that’s just breaking into the US market. In addition, anti-aging care is being incorporated into more products that ever before.

Unconventional Eyeliner and Vibrant Mascara — This trend is replacing the usual black liners with brown and metallic hues and utilizing new shapes and application areas for dramatic effect. Combined with colorful eyes utilizing a variety of colorful new mascaras now available, this trend will be making a big impression this year.

More information on Abigail Trudden here.



Abigail Trudden

Founder and CEO of Redefyned Skincare. Beauty Blogger and licensed ITEC medical Esthetician.