To Design or to resign?

Abim Alaisah
2 min readOct 15, 2017

I always asked myself this question when I started out as a Graphic Designer. When a project got tough I would just have this feeling to quit and move on to the next thing. With time I realized it wasn’t helping much, I mean I wasn’t even learning anything by giving up on the things I could learn to make myself a better designer.

Well let me tell you how I learned graphic design. I didn’t go to any school or attend any boot camps. All I did was go on YouTube, watch a lot of videos on how to do this or that etc but I never really learnt the basics of design. I realized I was mixing all sorts of colors and doing the wrong thing all the time which made my designs look awful. This was the main reason why I always felt like quitting. Worst of all I would compare my work with those around me who were good and would just tell myself I wasn’t good enough.

Well fortunately with time and perseverance I learned the right way and overcame the thought of quitting on every project and I worked hard and double and guess what, it provided great results and today although I’m still at the intermediate level of design I still keep that spirit moving with me because as they say

Quitters never win, and winners never quit

So my advice to anyone who loves design but feels discouraged anytime they take on a project ask yourself this question, Do I want to design this logo, flyer, character etc or should I resign from the project and move on?

Well I chose Design, what do you choose?. Choose wisely and keep designing and one day you’ll be amongst the best. Thank you!

