How to Add QASH to Your Ledger Nano

giselle abinader
5 min readDec 4, 2017


So you heard about cryptocurrencies from a friend, and you bought QUOINE’s QASH token. They’re sitting on an exchange and you want to deposit the QASH into your hardware wallet. Here’s how you do it!

First get some QASH from an exchange. I use QRYPTOS, and my account looks like the screenshot below. On QRYPTOS, you’ll need to get your account approved before you’re able to withdraw any currency. For reference, I waited 3 business days for my account verification, and I’m based in the US.

The account dashboard on QRYPTOS

Familiarize yourself with the account screen. Clicking on each cryptocurrency on the left panel shows your deposit and withdrawal options for that particular cryptocurrency. If you click on QASH, you’ll see an“Add Crypto Address” link in the Withdraw panel. Before adding an address, you’ll need to create a QASH-compatible wallet to deposit your coins into. Since QASH is an ERC-20 token, it works with the Ledger Nano Ethereum wallet. You simply need to create a custom token in your Ledger Ethereum wallet first. Let’s go create one!

Head over to

The first screen you see when you land on My Ether Wallet.

Click on the gray area outside of the white box to skip the intro. Or go through each screen if you prefer to read :)

Click on Send Ether & Tokens and select your hardware wallet.

Click on the “Send Ether & Tokens” link along the top, and select your hardware wallet.

Now plug your Ledger Nano into your computer, unlock it by entering your passcode, and navigate to your Ethereum wallet. Go down to “Settings” on the Ledger screen, and then select “Browser Support”. Choose “Yes” to enable Browser Support on your Ethereum wallet. This will allow My Ether Wallet to communicate with your Ledger Nano.

Enable Browser support in the Ledger Nano.

NOTE: To view your other Ledger wallets using apps like Ledger Wallet Ethereum, you’ll have to disable Browser Support again to view info on those apps. Turn off Browser Support on your Ledger if you’re not able to connect to any of your other Ledger apps!

After unlocking your Wallet and clicking on the “Connect to Ledger Wallet” button in My Ether Wallet, you’ll be prompted to select the wallet address you want to interact with. Select the Ethereum wallet and click “Unlock”. Make sure you choose the right wallet on this screen. If you have Ethereum stored in your Ledger, it will be the wallet with an ETH balance. If you don’t have any ETH, double check the address so that you’re opening the correct wallet.

Open your Ethereum wallet address. If you hold any Ethereum, it’ll be the wallet with an ETH balance.

Once you’ve unlocked the wallet, you’ll land on a screen that shows more details on your Ethereum wallet. In the right hand panel, click on “Add Custom Token”.

Look for the “Add Custom Token” button in the right panel.

Next you’ll see the 3 fields below:

Three fields are required on My Ether Wallet to add a custom token.

To add the QASH token, enter the following info:

Contract address: 0x618E75Ac90b12c6049Ba3b27f5d5F8651b0037F6

Token Symbol: QASH

Decimals: 6

This info is from the moderators on the QASH Telegram channel. It’s also posted on the QASH reddit page. Once you click “Save”, you’ll be able to see the QASH tokens stored in your wallet on the right hand panel. Right now it will show a zero balance, so let’s go back into QRYPTOS and add some QASH!

In your QRYPTOS account screen, click on “Manage Accounts” on the left panel and make sure you have QASH selected.

If you don’t see QASH on your list of cryptocurrencies, click on Manage Accounts and add QASH to your list.

Select the QASH crypto on the left panel, and then look for the “Add Crypto Address” link in the Withdraw panel. Select QASH from the Crypto field, and enter your Ledger Ethereum Wallet address, which you can copy from My Ether Wallet (include all characters).

Select QASH from the dropdown list of available coins.
Copy and paste your Ethereum Ledger wallet address into the Address field to add your QASH wallet.

Yes, you will be depositing your QASH into an Ethereum wallet address. Click “Add Crypto Address” to finish adding the QASH wallet. Click on the Back button in the Withdrawal panel.

You should now receive a message from QRYPTOS asking you to confirm your withdrawal address via email. Look for the email and copy/paste the confirmation token from that email into QRYPTOS.

Confirm your Ethereum wallet address by copying and pasting the confirmation token into QRYPTOS.

Now you’re ready to send some QASH! Test it out by sending 1 QASH to the address you just added. Withdrawals out of QRYPTOS take 1 business day to process. If you submit the withdrawal on a Friday, it will show up in My Ether Wallet on Monday.

In the Withdrawal panel, your Ethereum wallet address should auto-populate from the dropdown list for QASH withdrawals. Double check that it matches the Ethereum address from your Ledger.

Select the Ethereum Wallet Address. You should only have the option to send QASH to one address.

Enter “1.00” in the amount field, add your Authentication code, and click Submit Withdrawal Request.

You’ll now see a message above the Submit Withdrawal button directing you to confirm the withdrawal via email. Check your email again for another QRYPTOS confirmation email, this time to confirm the withdrawal. Copy and paste the confirmation code from the email into the corresponding field within the QRYPTOS account screen. Click Submit Withdrawal Request, and…

You’ve just sent QASH to your Ledger wallet! You’ll see that the 1 QASH left your QRYPTOS wallet, and after 1 business day it will show up when you unlock your Ethereum Wallet on My Ether Wallet again. You’ll get an email from QRYPTOS once the withdrawal is fully processed.

To view your QASH after the withdrawal goes through, follow the same steps to unlock the wallet on My Ether Wallet. Look for the “Load Tokens” button on the right side.

Click on the Load Tokens button to view your QASH.

If you followed the steps correctly (and waited a day), you’ll see your 1 QASH listed. Now you can go back to QRYPTOS and safely send the rest of your QASH to the Ledger Nano.

That’s it!

PS: If you found this guide useful, feel free to donate :) 🐙

BTC: 1FaByb4vfrGE6YhRtTvZgwU3Wx9JTxwWix

ETH: 0xb8253B2BE7b9095519414e4f83aD644a5d055853

QASH: 0x828c0f97189a83f8cab68d32295047324f513023

