Cloudera Installation on Windows

Abinaya SV
3 min readOct 10, 2023


Installing Cloudera on Windows using VirtualBox involves setting up a virtual machine (VM) with the necessary prerequisites. Here’s a step-by-step guide with some basic instructions


🖥️Hardware Requirements

Ensure your host machine has enough RAM (at least 16GB recommended).
Allocate a sufficient number of CPU cores (at least 4 recommended).
Reserve enough disk space for the VM and Cloudera installation.

🖥Software Requirements
Download and install VirtualBox on your Windows machine from the [VirtualBox website](

Post download it

Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

Step 1: Download Cloudera QuickStart VM

Go to the Cloudera website and download the Cloudera QuickStart VM for VirtualBox.

Extract the zip to any particular folder.

Step 2: Open the Quick Start VM

If you double-click, it will open the virtual box

Step 3: Configure VM Settings

Configure the VM settings, including the amount of RAM, CPU cores, and network settings, based on your available resources.

Step 4: Start the Cloudera QuickStart VM

1. In VirtualBox Manager, select the Cloudera VM.

2. Click “Start” to boot the VM.

3. Once the VM is running, it will start the Cloudera services automatically. This process may take some time.

Step 5: Access Cloudera

1. Open a command line prompt on your host machine.

Or Access Cloudera Manager using the following URL: `http://quickstart.cloudera:7180` by giving the credentials below.

3. Log in to Cloudera with the default credentials:
Username: `Cloudera`
Password: `Cloudera`

Step 6: Start Using Cloudera

You’re now in the Cloudera Manager interface, where you can manage your Hadoop services, run queries, and perform various tasks.

If you want to run tools on CLI

Hive => hive

Spark=> Spark-shell

Please note that this is a simplified guide, and actual configurations may vary depending on your specific needs. Ensure that you consult the Cloudera documentation and follow best practices for configuring and managing your Cloudera environment.

