What is API?

Abi Saru
2 min readFeb 4, 2023


Application Programming Interface, or API for short, is a collection of protocols, procedures, and tools used in the development of software and applications. The means through which two or more programs may connect with one another and share data or functionality is defined by an API. In order to access services like weather data, geolocation, and others, APIs are often used to retrieve data from web-based software applications.

How to work API?

A client application sends queries to an API, which responds to the requests. Here is a general description of what happens:

1• The client application notifies the API of the intended operation via a request (such as “get data” or “create a new resource”).

2•The API processes the request and carries out any required tasks, including computations or data retrieval from a database.

3• The client application receives a response from the API, which is often sent in a defined format like JSON or XML.

4• After processing the answer, the client application displays the data to the user in an intuitive manner.

Types of API

  1. public
  2. partner
  3. private
  4. composite

API stands for application programming interface.
APIs are a type of software interface that let two applications communicate with one another.Alternatively said, an API is the messenger that conveys your request to the service provider you are seeking it from, and then returns to you with the result.

