Abisola O. Adedeji (Abisinuola)
Abisola O. Adedeji (Abisinuola)

For many years, I explored the thrilling world of letters and every moment in that world interestingly shaped my mind to the genius it is today. However, while playing hearts with the letters, I realised I had an unending crush on numbers. Expectedly, like the lover-girl that I am, I began the chase for the love of my life- numbers. Consequently, I'm leveraging this medium (pun intended) as a diary, to take you with me as I go on this journey of love with numbers. Here is a documentation of my journey into the world of Financial technology. I do this for every lover scared to pursure her sweetheart. Cheers!

Abisola O. Adedeji (Abisinuola)

Abisola O. Adedeji (Abisinuola)

I’m a Top Tier Multi-faceted human and here, I am sharing my journey into #FINTECH with you.