How to become a Scientologist?

4 min readMar 3, 2022


What is Scientology?

Scientology is an applied religious philosophy founded by author and humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard. The word Scientology comes from two Latin words Scio (knowing in the fullest sense of the word) and logos (study of).

Since its inception, Scientology has helped millions upon millions of people overcome fears, finds their true potential, increased self-confidence and betters themselves as individuals.

Scientology teaches that a person is an immortal spiritual being who has lived countless lives on other planets, called transtemporal existence.

In order to find happiness and advance toward higher state of spiritual awareness, people must rid themselves of negative experience in this life and others.

The value of knowing about Scientology

When most people think of Scientology, they probably associate it with either South Park or Tom Cruise. Yet, there are many reasons to learn about what Scientologist believe and why their religious means so much to them. You might find that you respect their beliefs and would even like to know more about how others worship.

In fact, knowing how others interpret their spirituality can be a source of inspiration and insight for you- and who knows, their knowledge could lead?

How to become a Scientologist?

Scientology has been around since the 1950, but it has only more recently well-known in the last couple of decades as one of the most popular religions in the world, with millions of members and followers worldwide.

If you‘re interested in learning or more about this faith, you want to know what it takes to be a Scientologist follows the deep explanation of each one.

Step #1- decides if Scientology is for you.

To become a Scientologist, you must believe in and abide by certain fundamental principle and practices. Take the free personality test: all new members take a free personality test called the Oxford Capacity Analysis, which provides important insights into your behaviour patterns and potential areas for personality growth.

Step#2- Get Started by Reading books

Believe or not, I start my career by reading hundreds of books on how to write fiction Stephen King's On writing, Larry Brooks’ Story Engineering, James Scott Bell’s Plot and Structured Jack Back ham’s Scene & structured and Victor Hugo’s The Art of Being a Writer helped me immensely in understanding how storytelling works.

You’ll also want to study some form of non-fiction writing as well. Read at least two hours every day for 30daystraight (no cheating) . After finishing a book — summarize what you’ve learned from that book in your own words and post those notes online so that other can read them.

Step#3- Attend Free Courses

You’ll also get free accesses to free courses. These courses will allow you to reach more clients faster. Examples of free courses include: how To Use Reddit it for business growth, how to use Twitter for business growth. Introduction To Social Media Management Tools, and others. You can review these
free courses by going here.

Step#4- Go To Church Services

One of Scientology’s the most important tenets is that in order to advance through levels of spiritual development, one must reach out and help others.

This means going to church services and practising in community outreach programs. For those who aren’t religious, it can be difficult to understand Scientology services — they might seem strange

Step#5- Use Scientology Tool Everyday

When you become a Scientologist, you receive access to an array of tools designed for your spiritual benefits. You should be certain to use these tools daily-or at least whenever you can. Make it a point of pride and something you feel genuinely accomplished about.

Be sure to reference them in conversation and cite how they’ve helped you personally when taking with others: if someone express difficulty, ask if they have tried using Scientology techniques; offer tips on
how they can benefit from practising what you know.

Step#6 — Complete Basic Books and the Purification Rundown

It is only after one has finished purification rundown that he or she can move on to other services that can help him or her become more stable and in good health. At minimum, any new Scientology should complete both diabetics: The modern science of Mental Health and introduction to Scientology Ethics.

More advance texts like what is Scientology? , the Way to Happiness and keeping Scientology working will provide valuable insight into applying what you learn from your coursework in real life.

How does Scientology help me personally?

Scientology offers a powerful form of counselling known as auditing, which can give you new abilities to face life’s problem with greater confidence and certainty. Auditing can also help clear away traumatic experiences and events in your past that hold you back from living in today.

Through auditing, you can gain more control over your life. You begin to feel that instead of being buffeted about by forces beyond your control, you are steering your own destiny –out of control, no longer. Over time, increased self-control and better judgment add up to improved performance across
all areas of life. It’s like having a great coach who tells you what play will work best against whatever team is on the field for you at any moment. The gains made through auditing are backed up by something even more profound: basic truths revealed by science.




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