#1 — Clean Code: We all can be better coders

Abner Souza
4 min readSep 2, 2020

Definition of the clean: “free from dirt, marks, or stains.”

Write clean code is for me what makes us better coders, it took me a while to figure out how much I could be a better developer by just really caring when I write a single line of code. We tend to ignore and forget that the code we write today is going to be read by someone else in the future, or even by ourselves.

Have you even write code, one day, and the day after you just don’t know who wrote that code? Yes, I know how you felt, that is a very dangerous feeling.

Before we start talking more about clean code, it extremely important to thanks the author Robert C. Martin or how everybody knows him Uncle Bob for the book called “Clean Code” that was first published in 2008, and it was ranked as one of the best selling books on Amazon. If you are a developer and intend to be one, this book is really a must-read.

So all the things I'm going to point here are going to be things that make the most sense to me based on what Uncle Bob describe in his book, and others discussion about clean code.


  1. Break functions in very little chunks, around 4–6 lines.
  2. It should be extracted to more and more functions until it does only one thing. (Single Responsibility Principle).
  3. It should receive max three arguments, the ideal would be 0 arguments

