Abnet Jemal
3 min readMay 21, 2023

The Hamar people are an Omotic ethnic group inhabiting southwestern Ethiopia. They live in Hamer woreda (or district), a fertile part of the Omo River valley, in the Debub Omo Zone of the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Region (SNNPR). They are largely pastoralists, so their culture places a high value on cattle.

The Hamar are known for their unique custom of "bull jumping," which initiates a boy into manhood. First, female relatives dance and invite whipping from men who have recently been initiated; this shows their support of the initiate, and their scars give them a say on who they marry. The boy then attempts to jump over a line of bulls. If he succeeds, he is considered a man and is allowed to marry.

The Hamar are also known for their elaborate body decorations. Both men and women wear lip plates, and women also wear heavy necklaces and bracelets. Men often paint their bodies with ochre and fat, and both men and women decorate their hair with beads and feathers.

The Hamar are a proud and independent people. They have a strong sense of community and tradition, and they are fiercely protective of their culture. They are also a welcoming people, and they enjoy sharing their culture with visitors.

Here are some additional facts about the Hamar people:

The Hamar population is estimated to be around 50,000 people.

The Hamar language is Hamar, which is an Omotic language.

The Hamar are a semi-nomadic people, and they move their herds of cattle to different grazing areas throughout the year.

The Hamar are subsistence farmers, and they grow crops such as sorghum, millet, and maize.

The Hamar are a patriarchal society, and men are the heads of households.

The Hamar are a polygynous society, and men are allowed to have multiple wives.

The Hamar are a patrilineal society, and property is inherited through the male line.

The Hamar are a religious people, and they believe in a supreme being called Waq.

The Hamar are a colorful and vibrant people, and they are a fascinating example of the diversity of human culture.

The Hamar people are a fascinating and unique group of people. They have a rich culture and history, and they are a proud and independent people. If you have the opportunity to visit Ethiopia, I highly recommend visiting the Hamar people. You will not be disappointed.