Aborcup J. Akuer Maze
3 min readFeb 4, 2017

All i could affort was rioting by writing tirelessly on face-book and other social media platforms. I am now tempted to share it again after hearing his long-lost voice on this interview he did with His Grace Paride Taban, the father of peace in my home area, Pibor, where peace was lost for several years. Bellow are my protest posts and pictures of Lomornana.


Clement Lochio Lomornana, at Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi.

A South Sudanese investigative journalist and human rights activist, who has been very vocal about Country’s gross human rights violations, is now in custody in Eastern Equatoria’s Chukudum town, Budi County, after being kidnapped in East Africa.

Eyewitness, who preferred anonymity, confirmed to me on phone this evening that Clement was seen around his former residential area with other friends last night, at midnight, surrounded by Juba’s security agents and is now being tortured in un-disclosed location in Chukudum.

It’s so sad, every day we lose human rights defender in replacement with human rights abuser in South Sudan; human rights organizations should step-up their efforts to rescue Lomornana and his friends.

I personally met him in Nairobi last month where I had a chance to listen and assess his security situation before I could recommend him to Directorate of Refugee Affairs (DRA) and UNHCR for registration and protection.

Clement whose assessment form is left at my hands here in Nairobi now, couldn’t be reached neither on phone nor on facebook thereafter, only to hear this heart-breaking news.
May God protect him.


Clement Lochio holds a protest texts for the detained journalists.

As he humbly asked,Al-Sisi of Egypt, to release the detained aljezeera journalists in Cairo, can we also ask South Sudan government to release him for us safely?

Its still unclear where Clement is held, he is neither in Torit, where he was said to have been taken to by security nor is he found in any Juba prisons.

Let’s pray for his safety as we request Juba administration to not only release him but also to respect and Human rights.


Clement Lochio Lomornana

So far Clement Lochio’s arm is confirmed broken, his other (roughly) two friends are said to be coughing blood and are still being tortured by security forces.

The Juba administration has buried the history and is now laughing at the country’s future as it diminishes day by day.

Can we all speak-out boldly against this unlawful harassments ravaged on our activists, journalists etc by Juba security operatives?

Aborcup J. Akuer Maze

Jean, born South Sudanese, Humanity Defender, Aspiring writer, singer, actor, and above all an active non-violent fighter. Follow his readership.