You’ll Never Lose Weight if You’re Still Eating These 7 Things

Keep these out of your kitchen and shopping cart if you’re trying to lose weight.

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What works for you may not work for someone else because weight loss is not a one-size-fits-all process. In addition to our individual lifestyle choices, each of us has a special genetic makeup that influences how well we can manage our weight. A few lifestyle factors that may affect your ability to lose weight include how much and what kinds of food you eat, how often and what kind of exercise you get, your stress levels, and your sleeping habits. Not all calories are created equal when it comes to food choices. Due to this, here’s a list of the 7 worst foods for weight loss that you must sabotage at all costs.

Calorie counting is one of the more popular weight-loss strategies. You might be surprised to learn that the types of calories you consume can also affect your progress, even though this equation of calories-in versus calories-out can promote weight loss. Calorie-containing nutrients like fat, protein, and carbohydrates are all processed and used by your body in various ways. For instance, while carbs have the lowest satiety value, both protein and fat have high satiety values and can make you feel fuller after eating. This doesn’t imply that carbohydrates are inherently bad, but it does lend credence to the notion that not all calories are created equal.



About Life

I’m a health and wellness blogger. I am here to help you live a better life with tips, and sharing tricks and tools you can use.