The Impact of Social Media on Personal Privacy

Blockchain Hub
7 min readSep 15, 2023

People’s concerns about social media’s potential impact on their privacy have grown as these platforms have grown in popularity.

Several high-profile incidents involving the theft or release of users’ private information as a result of utilising social media have occurred in recent years.

In addition, a lot of people are worried about how user data is gathered and used by social media companies.

More regulation of social media companies has been demanded in response to these worries, and people are becoming more conscious of the value of online privacy protection. The effectiveness of these safeguards in safeguarding user privacy, however, is still up in the air.

This article will analyze how social media affects privacy and look at various methods to protect it.

Why Does Privacy on Social Media Matter?

The term”social media privacy” refers to the amount of private and sensitive information that can be discovered about you through your accounts. This information may be purposefully shared (like in publicly viewable profiles and posts) or accidentally shared (like when websites share the user data of their users with other companies and social media marketing agencies).

While the majority of consumers are worried about what businesses know about them, the bigger threat is what scammers and fraudsters know and how they can use that information.

Even if your account is set to private, scammers and advertisers can access your personal data via, status updates, personal interests, location data, shared contents, profile information and even posts from family and friends.

Common Privacy Issues on Social Media

Your identity, accounts, and money all at risk to an increasing extent the more information you publish on social media. You should be aware of the following most prevalent privacy concerns with social media.

  1. Account Hacks: Many people unwittingly publish private information, such as posts about their hometowns, pets, elementary schools, or extended families, which could provide hackers with clues to their passwords or security questions.
  2. “Loopholes” in privacy that let your private data out: Social media companies frequently alter their features and policies, and some of these modifications may have major implications for data privacy.
  3. Phishing scams: If your social media accounts are not set to private, anyone can send you messages, even scammers attempting to trick you into clicking on harmful links. Social media was the source of 12% of all clicks to fake phishing websites last year.
  4. Identity theft as a result of data mining: Surprisingly little information is required by scammers to steal your identity. Additionally, publicly accessible information on social media sites can frequently serve as the origin of identity theft. In order to target you with phishing scams or find additional sensitive

Information about you that is for sale on the Dark Web, scammers can utilise your name, address, or phone number. Scammers can discover any compromised passwords, credit card numbers, or even your Social Security number (SSN) with just your primary email address or phone number.

5. The use of shared location information: The location of images or posts on many social media platforms is automatically included. Stalkers, scammers, and even burglars may follow you using this information.

6. Romance scams: Fraudsters creates fake social media profiles in an effort to seduce you into fictitious online relationships, after which they demand money, gift cards, or personal information from you. Social media romance scammers can utilise the information you provide to create the ideal scheme to catch you off guard.

7. Apps from third parties that have access to your other accounts: Social networking logins (like “Log in with Facebook”) are often used. These services are practical, but they also run the risk of disclosing your personal information to businesses or apps that may not have the best digital security measures in place.

How To Protect Your Privacy on Social Media

Given the volume of personal information that these platforms collect and disseminate, maintaining your privacy on social media is essential.

The following actions can be taken to protect your privacy:

  1. Examine privacy policies: To learn how your data is being used, it’s crucial to read the privacy policies of social media networks. The platform’s privacy policy will specify what information is collected, how it is used, and with whom it is shared. You may make informed decisions about the data you wish to keep private and the data you feel comfortable sharing by reading the privacy policy.

2. Change the privacy settings: You can choose who can view your posts, profile information, and activities using the privacy options available on the majority of social media networks. You can maintain the confidentiality of your personal information by changing these settings.

Here are some detailed instructions for changing privacy settings on well-known social media applications:

  • Facebook: Click “Privacy” on the settings page of Facebook. You can choose from here who can view your posts, profile details, and activities. You can also control who is permitted to message or add you as a friend.
  • Instagram: Click on the three horizontal lines in the top right corner of your profile by going there. Click “Settings” and then “Privacy” from here. You may decide who is allowed to view your posts, stories, and activity here. Additionally, you can restrict a user’s access to your material or block a particular user.
  • Twitter: Select “Settings and privacy” by clicking on your profile image. Click on “Privacy and safety” from here to change your privacy preferences. You have control over who may view your tweets, send you direct messages, and tag you in pictures.
  • LinkedIn: Click “Privacy” on the LinkedIn settings page. You may manage who can access your profile details, activity, and connections here. Additionally, you can modify your advertising choices and decide who can invite you to connect.

Use a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt your internet traffic so that it is more difficult for others to track your location and monitor your online behaviour. Your online privacy can be protected by using a VPN, especially when connecting to public Wi-Fi networks.

Set up two-factor authentication and use strong passwords: To keep hackers out of your social media accounts, you must use strong passwords. Use a combination of symbols, numbers, capital letters, and lowercase characters.

The Efforts of NYM Towards Solving The Social Media Privacy Issues:

  • Enhanced Data Protection: NYM through her product called NYM Connect provides robust encryption and privacy features for social media platforms. This ensures that user data, messages, and interactions are shielded from unauthorized access and surveillance, mitigating the risk of data breaches and leaks.
  • Protection Against Profiling: By concealing users’ true IP addresses and online activities, NYM can make it more challenging for social media platforms to build extensive user profiles and deliver targeted ads without explicit consent.
  • Privacy by Default: Integrating NYM into social media platforms can make privacy the default setting. Users don’t have to go through complex settings to protect their data; it’s automatically secure, making it easier for them to maintain their privacy. This is done with the help of NYM Connect.
  • Resisting Censorship: NYM’s decentralized nature can help users bypass censorship and access social media platforms even in regions with strict internet controls, preserving their freedom of expression. NYM is currently working on her VPN app which will provide a solution to this.

In Conclusion:

Social media has completely changed how we communicate and exchange information, but it has also created new privacy and security threats and challenges. It’s crucial to be cautious about what we post on social media and who can view it. We should also take precautions to safeguard our personal data and keep up with privacy and security risks. We may get the rewards of social media while reducing the hazards by adhering to best practises for use, such as reading privacy agreements, modifying privacy settings, and being watchful of frauds and phishing efforts.

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Blockchain Hub

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