Tim’s Day

An Excerpt from A Light in the Tunnel Chapter 5

Abraham Gordon
2 min readFeb 11, 2020
Pixabay: Darkworkx

If you are new to this series or have missed a few chapters, please click on Book Excerpts on the main menu to see all the chapters in order.

I’m ready, were the first words he thought to himself as soon as he opened his eyes.

It was a Monday morning, in early April, that Timothy Walsh chose. It had now been a year since he had formulated his plan. His day had finally arrived.

It wasn’t just one thing that made him come to this decision. Rather, it was a culmination of pressure, abuse, and a whole lot of confusion.

Tim’s verdict of his mother was brutal. She’s all about facade. She won’t make a decision until she’s seen five of her friends make it before her. She doesn’t live by her own intuition; she lives by what she’s told. It’s disgusting.

He concluded that any semblance of his parent’s individuality or character had been driven out of them long ago. They claimed to love him, but he didn’t think they even knew what it meant.

This is it.

He vibrated with nervous energy. He was scared, yet equally determined. He had envisioned this moment so many times before in his mind. With the assistance of music on his drive to school, Timothy began to cool himself. He pulled into…

