Understanding the HireRight Background Check Process

RBT Consumer Law Firm
7 min readMay 9, 2024


What’s HireRight Do? HireRight helps companies make smart choices about who to hire by doing background checks. They make sure companies follow the rules and only hire good people. They check stuff like:

  • If you have any criminal records
  • If you’ve worked where you said you did
  • If you went to the school you said you did
  • If you’ve taken any drugs you shouldn’t

How Does the Background Check Work?

1. Starting Out

  • Boss Says Go. Your new boss tells HireRight to check you out.
  • Sign Here Please. You get a paper or email to say “Yes, it’s okay to check me out!”

2. Collecting Information

  • Give Your Info. You give HireRight stuff like your name, birthday, and Social Security Number (SSN).
  • Double Check. They ask schools, old bosses, and other places if what you said is true.

3. Doing the Check

  • Criminal Records. They look in different places to see if you have any criminal records.
  • Jobs. They ask old bosses if you worked there and what you did.
  • School. They call your school to see if you really went there.
  • Extra Checks. Sometimes they look at your driving, credit, or do a drug test.

4. The Big Report

  • Make a Report. They put all the information together in a report and give it to your new boss.
  • Bad Stuff. If there’s something not-so-good, the boss has to follow special rules before saying no to hiring you.

Things HireRight Asks For

  • SSN
  • Addresses where you’ve lived
  • Where you’ve worked
  • Schools you’ve gone to
  • People who can say nice things about you (references)
  • Driver’s license if they need to check your driving

HireRight Background Check Status

What Does the Status Mean?

  • In Progress: They’re working on your background check.
  • Pending: They need more info from you or someone else.
  • Completed: They’re all done and gave the report to your boss.
  • Review: Your boss is looking at the report to decide.

How to Check Your Status

  1. Candidate Portal: You get an email with a link to log in.
  2. Log In: Use the info from the email to sign in.
  3. Check Status: You can see what’s going on and click on each check for more details.

Tips to Make It Go Smoothly

  1. Check Your Info: Make sure everything you give them is right.
  2. Answer Fast: If they ask you for more papers, give it to them quick!
  3. Give Good References: Tell your references that HireRight might call them.
  4. Keep an Eye on Emails: Look out for emails from HireRight.

How Long Does HireRight Background Check Take?

  • Types of Checks: Some checks take longer than others.
  • Old Records: Looking up old records can be tricky.
  • Different Places: Some places have different rules that make it slow.
  • Not Responding: If you or others don’t respond quickly, it takes longer.

How Long for Each Check?

Criminal Record Checks

  • Local/County: 1–3 days
  • State: 2–5 days
  • Federal: 1–2 weeks

Jobs Verification

  • Old Bosses: 3–5 days
  • Databases: 1–3 days

School Verification

  • Direct Contact: 3–5 days
  • Databases: 1–3 days
  • Drug Testing: 1–3 days
  • Driving Records: 1–3 days

Global Checks: 1 week to several weeks depending on the country

How to Help It Go Faster

  1. Give All the Info: Make sure all your info is correct and complete.
  2. Get Papers Ready: Have letters from old jobs and school transcripts ready.
  3. Tell Your References: Make sure your references are ready to answer HireRight quickly.
  4. Check Status Often: Keep checking the status and fix any problems fast.

How Far Back Does the HireRight Background Check Go?

Limitations and Guidelines for Background Checks

Federal and State Laws

  • Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA):
  • Bankruptcies: Can only be reported for 10 years.
  • Tax Liens, Civil Suits/Judgments: Reportable for 7 years if paid.
  • State Laws: Some states limit criminal record reporting to the last 7 years.

Criminal Records

  • Federal Law: Convictions can be reported forever.
  • State Laws: Some states like California only report the last 7 years.

Employment Verification

  • Typical Checks: Usually covers the last 7–10 years of jobs.
  • Financial Services: Sometimes need a longer work history.

Education Verification

  • General Rules: Schools can be checked no matter how old.
  • Old Records: Some schools may not keep records forever.

Industry-Specific Background Check Variations:

Financial Services:

  • FINRA: Needs a 10-year check for certain jobs.


  • Lifetime Check: They often check your whole criminal history.


  • Department of Transportation (DOT): Needs a 3-year check for jobs.

Government and Defense:

  • Security Clearances: Might need a 10–15 year or even lifetime check.

Common Misconceptions About Background Check Reach:

Myth: All criminal records are reported forever.

  • Fact: Non-convictions (like arrests) are only reported for 7 years under FCRA.

Myth: Background checks only go back 7 years.

  • Fact: Depends on state laws and the type of check.

Myth: Background checks only cover the USA.

  • Fact: HireRight can check schools and jobs outside the USA too.

Tips for Employers Using HireRight:

Best Practices for Conducting Background Checks Ethically:

  1. Get Permission: Ask candidates to sign a form saying it’s okay to check them out.
  2. Stick to Relevant Checks: Only look for info that matters for the job.
  3. Be Clear: Let candidates know what you’re looking for.

How to Ensure Compliance with Background Check Regulations

FCRA Compliance

  • Clear Disclosure: Give candidates a form that explains the background check.
  • Written Authorization: Get their written permission.
  • Adverse Action: Follow the proper steps if you find something bad.
  • Pre-Adverse Notice: Warn them first and let them respond.
  • Final Notice: If you still decide not to hire them, tell them why.
  • State-Specific Rules: Learn the rules in your state.
  • Ban-the-Box Laws: Don’t ask about criminal history too early.

Understanding Adverse Action Protocols:

Pre-Adverse Action Notice:

  1. Tell Them: Let candidates know about the bad stuff found.
  2. Share Info: Give them the background check report and their rights.
  3. Let Them Dispute: Allow time for them to explain.

Final Adverse Action Notice:

  1. Notify Them: Tell candidates about your final decision.
  2. Contact Info: Share HireRight’s info so they can dispute.

Tips for Job Seekers Undergoing a HireRight Background Check

Gather Personal Documents

  • Social Security Number and photo ID
  • Addresses from the last 7 years

Review Employment History

  • Make sure your job titles and dates are correct.
  • Ask old bosses to confirm your info.

Check Academic Credentials. Get your school transcripts and diplomas.

Documents and Information to Have Ready

  • Personal Identification. Social Security Number, driver’s license, or passport.
  • Employment Verification. Letters, paystubs, or contracts from past jobs.
  • Education Verification. Transcripts and certificates.
  • References. Names and contacts of old bosses or coworkers.

Addressing Potential Issues Proactively

Review Your Records

  • Credit Report: Get a free copy to check for mistakes.
  • Personal Background Check: Do your own check to find any errors.

Disclose Gaps or Issues Early

  • Be upfront about job gaps or problems.
  • Explain any criminal records or tricky stuff.

Prepare an Explanation. Have a good story ready if there’s bad info.

Consult Legal Advice. Talk to a lawyer if you think your rights were not followed during the background check.

Navigating the HireRight Background Check Process as an Experienced Employer and Candidate

As an experienced employer, I’ve come to deeply appreciate the value of comprehensive background checks. HireRight has proven to be a reliable partner, but it’s crucial for employers to approach this process ethically and with a strong awareness of compliance regulations.

For Employers

Employers should tailor background checks to the specific role to ensure a fair and non-intrusive screening process. Conducting a criminal background check is essential for financial positions but may not be necessary for a junior marketing role. This differentiation helps maintain a balance between thoroughness and respect for candidate privacy.

Compliance with adverse action protocols is more than just ticking regulatory boxes. It’s a fundamental safeguard of candidates’ rights. Providing candidates with an opportunity to dispute findings fosters transparency and fairness in the hiring process, helping to build trust and confidence, even if the outcome isn’t always favorable.

Transparency also extends to candidate consent and trust. Informing candidates about the types of checks being conducted and the information sought helps build a positive candidate experience. When candidates feel informed and respected, they’re more likely to trust the process.

For Candidates

As a job seeker, honesty and proactivity are essential. Addressing discrepancies or potential issues in your background upfront can help mitigate concerns. For instance, if there’s an employment gap due to personal reasons, providing the right context early on can prevent misunderstandings later.

Checking your own records beforehand can help identify inaccuracies that could hinder your application. Requesting a copy of your credit report and conducting a personal background check can reveal potential issues, giving you time to resolve them.

Preparation is also key. Having essential documents like past pay stubs, diplomas, and reference contacts ready can expedite the verification process. Informing references to expect a call ensures timely responses, making the overall process smoother.

Final Thoughts

HireRight’s background checks are thorough and comprehensive, but the process can sometimes be daunting for both employers and candidates. By understanding the nuances of the process, adhering to best practices, and fostering transparency, we can navigate these checks effectively. Staying informed and prepared is the key to success, whether you’re an employer looking to hire ethically or a candidate aiming for a seamless onboarding experience.

If you’re navigating the HireRight background check process and need professional guidance, our experienced team at [Your Law Firm Name] is here to help. Whether you’re an employer seeking compliance assistance or a candidate with background check concerns, we offer personalized solutions tailored to your unique situation.

Contact us today for a free consultation and let us help you navigate the complexities of employment screening with confidence and clarity.

Visit our website at https://rbtcharitygolf.org/ or call us to get started!

