What is SmartGym?

Matt Abras
4 min readMar 17, 2020

Everything starts with a why

We have amazing gyms around the world, but many have the same problem: they don’t offer any guidance, or give any suggestion on how to create a routine or which exercise we should do. It’s up to the customer to come up with their own routines. Other gyms may even create one for them, but won’t track or offer suggestions as they progress. And when they create one, they usually print them in a piece of paper, that customers have to carry around the gym every day. This is a terrible user experience.

There is also another kind of customers, those that work out with Personal Trainers. But currently, these trainers all lack a good and modern way to track and manage their student’s data and routines.

We wanted to fix all that. Focusing in ease of use, simplicity and a beautiful, carefully crafted, user interface.

What is SmartGym?

SmartGym is a tool, a beautiful, and easy to use tool, to help users live a healthier and more active life. Simple and straight to the point. And after using it for a while, you will see that’s the beauty of it.

We use advanced technologies, like Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and many others, to help the user with an amazing user experience.

SmartGym offers two types of experience. One for regular users, that want to track their workouts, or need help creating one. And another for Personal Trainers, that want to better manage and track all their students' progress and workouts.

Regular User

Regular users can create their own routines, access more than 100 pre-made workouts, carefully created by professionals, or use Artificial Intelligence + Machine Learning to create custom tailored workouts for them.

They can then start a workout session and log every exercise, annotate any changes and easily track their progress.

Using our independent watchOS 6 app, users can hit the gym only with the Watch and access all their exercises, track their heart rates, calories and distance. Users don't even need to have the app installed on their iPhone.

Personal Trainer

With SmartGym, Personal Trainers can add all their students, manage and keep track of all their data and even motivate them. Taking advantage of our cloud service, every new information they add or change on their side, will be instantly and automatically updated on their students devices.

When a student starts a workout on their Watch, their Personal Trainer will be instantly notified. Using the new iOS 12 interactive notifications, they will be able to send them motivational messages with just one tap.


  • #1 most downloaded Health and Fitness app in over 50 countries (including US)!
  • App of the Day all around the world (including US).
  • Apple Favorite Apple Watch apps of 2018 and 2019.
  • Forbes and iMore featured SmartGym as one of the best Apple Watch apps.
  • Pre-installed on every iPhone in display on every Apple Retail Store.
  • Featured as one of the best apps for iOS 13.
  • Featured as one of best apps for watchOS 6.
  • Featured as one of the best apps for iPadOS.
  • Featured at apple.com in the Series 5 page.
  • Featured at apple.com in the iPhone SE (2nd generation) launch.
  • And last, but not least, featured in Apple’s latest Apple Watch Series 5 Ad!



Matt Abras

Christian, iOS Developer, Designer, Product Guy. Creator/CEO at SoundShare and SmartGym.