The Secret World of Graphic Design for Filmmaking

YURI Abreu
Apr 14, 2022


Annie Watkins


This project involves a questionnaire about the speech from any Atkins “The secret word of graphic design for filmmaking”. Annie Atkins is a pioneer filmmaking graphic designer.

To help with the page organization, I used a 6 rows and 5 columns modular Grid.

Hierarchy year was very important. I started off with her name and bold and to the top left to express her name at first, going through the 3 questions (evidenced in small caps) and its answers in regular font.

A lot of Leading and Tracking was done in order to line the Titles and Subtitles, along with the Questions and it’s answers. The Caption, least important, it’s at the bottom right, in much smaller, still readable size.

Typeface Settings:

FAMILY: Proxima Nova
TITLE: Black 62/41
SUBTITLE: Semibold 37/29
QUESTIONS: Semibold 10/8
ANSWERS: Regular 12/15

