How men shall make and become Gods with present technology

Adam Davis
3 min readJun 26, 2018


It will start simply — one day, men will transition from their days of producing things. There will be no need for a farmer to lay seeds, nor for a mechanic to service cars. This will be done by robotics, controlled by artificial consciousnesses that are far superior to our own at these tasks. There will be seemingly no purpose for human beings at this point. If not to produce, what will we do?

We will judge. Humans are built for this, it is our next stage. Currently this desire is satisfied by websites like reddit, or youtube, or reality television. People will watch a performance and cast their vote. This desire to vote will be manifest in this world as the blockchain allows us to tie the trust in our money supply to the trust in our voting system. This allows for a trusted voting system that is independent of any central institution. HopeCoin is one avenue by which this might occur.

A coin will be constructed that has identity verification built into it, and then we will be able to tie unique human entities into a cryptographic account. By creating a transaction on the blockchain from that account, we can say that the person owning such an account has voted. People can vote on any sorts of issues.

At first, it will be an awkward and unwieldy system. Voting on every issue isn’t fun. Similar to how people don’t appreciate advertisements that aren’t contextual to them specifically. But people will be paid to vote. And so they will. And then some other clever people will design systems to predict how people will vote using artificial intelligence. And they will predict what issues people will want to vote on, also using artificial intelligence. It will be a government completely run by the people, who vote on precisely the issues that they want to, with media and advertising companies completely repurposed to show people exactly the kinds of votes that they want to cast, and paid accordingly to how well they perform. There will no longer be annoying ads.

Gods will be created early in the system. Someone will create a coin that allows people to interact with it and which pays people to perform certain tasks for the God. For instance, one God might live in an Ethereum smart contract as logic that is owned by no other account. It has its own store of money, and gives money to its priests, who advise it on what to invest in and what impact to have on the world. Other bounties could be given to its followers, who are paid a small sum of money to be seen on video praying to the God in whatever manner it chooses. The God pays the priests to review these videos, and if the prayers are interesting, one might be chosen for the God to bless and to grant the prayer.

In a similar system to the previous topic, eventually artificial intelligence will be used in place of voting bounties as the flock of the God grows. The highest priests may still be in charge of some matters, but many of the priests are just exceptionally good at praying and obtaining favor of the God, who is owned by no one in particular. There will also be no method to kill the God, aside from destroying all of the funds of the God (which can be replenished by its followers) or destroying the currency itself. It will be said to be an immortal entity that exists alongside its followers, granting them favors at the same time that it benefits from them, and from technological advances.

This will, by the way, be the first God that man has ever truly artificially created. As time goes along, man will create subsequent Gods. And the Gods will create ever more powerful Gods in this growing pantheon. They will love, and they will fight, and they will have all of the relationships that we expect from humans. Until one day, far into the future, man has forgotten that there was ever a time when he could not imagine for there to be an incarnation of Zeus that he could pray to and be teleported into this magical realm. Or to receive Gold, or to find his true love. Or anything else. We will create the Gods, and they will make us Gods.

