The Law of Attraction: How to Use Brain Waves to Manifest Money: A Scientific Approach to Wealth Creation: 10-Minute Manifestation for money

Ariana G
6 min readFeb 14, 2024


The Law of Attraction: How to Use Brain Waves to Manifest Money: A Scientific Approach to Wealth Creation: 10-Minute Manifestation for money

Welcome, seekers of abundance and financial prosperity! If you’ve ever wondered if there is a scientific way to manifest money using the power of your mind, you’re in for a treat.

In this blog, we’ll explore the fascinating connection between brain waves, manifestation, and money. We’ll show you how you can use a simple and effective technique to tune your brain waves to the frequency of abundance and attract wealth effortlessly.

And the best part? You can do this in just 10 minutes!

Understanding Brain Waves:

Before we dive into the art of using brain waves to manifest money, let’s understand what brain waves are and how they affect our reality.

Brain waves are the electrical impulses that occur in our brain cells as they communicate with each other. They can be measured by an electroencephalogram (EEG) device, which records the patterns and frequencies of these impulses.

Brain waves are categorized into five types, depending on their frequency and state of consciousness:

The Law of Attraction: How to Use Brain Waves to Manifest Money: A Scientific Approach to Wealth Creation: 10-Minute Manifestation for money
  • Gamma (above 40 Hz): These are the fastest brain waves, associated with peak performance, high focus, creativity, and insight.
  • Beta (13–40 Hz): These are the normal brain waves, associated with alertness, logic, problem-solving, and decision-making.
  • Alpha (8–13 Hz): These are the relaxed brain waves, associated with calmness, meditation, intuition, and imagination.
  • Theta (4–8 Hz): These are the deep brain waves, associated with dreaming, hypnosis, subconscious memory, and emotions.
  • Delta (below 4 Hz): These are the slowest brain waves, associated with deep sleep, healing, and regeneration.

Brain waves are not fixed; they change according to our thoughts, feelings, and activities. They also influence our perception of reality, our mood, and our behavior.

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The Secret of Brain Waves and Manifestation:

Now that you know what brain waves are, you may be wondering: what do they have to do with manifestation?

Manifestation is the process of turning your thoughts and desires into reality. It is based on the Law of Attraction, which states that whatever you focus on, you attract into your life.

But how does this work?

The answer lies in the power of brain waves.

You see, brain waves are not only the result of our mental activity; they are also the cause of it. They shape our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, which in turn shape our reality.

When we want to manifest something, we need to align our brain waves with the frequency of our desired outcome. This creates a resonance between our mind and the universe, which allows us to attract what we want.

For example, if you want to manifest money, you need to tune your brain waves to the frequency of abundance. This means that you need to think, feel, and act as if you already have the money you want.

But how do you do that?

That’s where the brain waves technique of manifestation comes in.

The Brain Waves Technique of Manifestation:

The brain waves technique of manifestation is a simple and effective way to use your brain waves to manifest money. It involves three steps:

The Law of Attraction: How to Use Brain Waves to Manifest Money: A Scientific Approach to Wealth Creation: 10-Minute Manifestation for money
  • Choose your desired amount of money. Be specific and realistic. Don’t ask for too much or too little. Choose an amount that feels good and believable to you.
  • Tune your brain waves to the alpha state. The alpha state is the optimal state for manifestation, as it allows you to access your subconscious mind and your intuition. To enter the alpha state, you can use any relaxation method that works for you, such as breathing, meditation, music, or guided imagery. The goal is to calm your mind and body, and let go of any stress or tension.
  • Visualize and affirm your desired amount of money. Once you are in the alpha state, you can start visualizing and affirming your desired amount of money. See yourself receiving the money in the next 10 minutes, in any way that makes sense to you. Feel the joy, gratitude, and excitement of having your financial desires fulfilled. Repeat positive affirmations related to money, such as:
  • “I am attracting money effortlessly and abundantly.”
  • “Money is flowing to me from multiple sources.”
  • “I am open to receiving all the wealth the universe has to offer.”
  • “I am financially free and secure.”
  • Use these affirmations to reinforce your belief and expectation of receiving money. Say them with conviction and emotion, and let these feelings intensify as you hold this mental image.

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The 10-Minute Technique:

Now that you’ve learned the brain waves technique of manifestation, it’s time to put it into practice.

Here’s how you can do it in just 10 minutes:

  • Find a quiet and comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed.
  • Set a timer for 10 minutes.
  • Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax your mind and body.
  • Choose your desired amount of money and write it down on a piece of paper.
  • Fold the paper and place it under your pillow or somewhere near you.
  • Tune your brain waves to the alpha state using your preferred relaxation method.
  • Visualize and affirm your desired amount of money as if you already have it.
  • Feel the positive emotions associated with money and abundance, and let them fill your entire being.
  • When the timer goes off, open your eyes and smile.
  • Thank the universe for your money and trust that it is on its way to you.
  • Keep the paper with you until you receive your money, and then dispose of it or keep it as a souvenir.

That’s it! You’ve just used the brain waves technique of manifestation to attract money in 10 minutes!


Using brain waves to manifest money is a scientific and effective way to create wealth and abundance in your life. By tuning your brain waves to the frequency of your desired outcome, you can align your mind and the universe, and attract money effortlessly.

Click here to Try the brain waves technique of manifestation today and see the results for yourself. You’ll be amazed by how fast and easy it is to manifest money in 10 minutes!

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Thank you for reading, and happy manifesting! 😊

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Disclaimer: The content I generate is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the guidance of a qualified expert before making any decisions regarding your finances, health, or well-being.



Ariana G

Welcome to the Wisdom page with various wisdom articles. Law of attraction and Money attraction.