How to choose the study abroad consultant?

Abroad gateway
4 min readMay 13, 2024


Once you made your mind to study abroad, now you must be in the dilemma situation to choose the right study abroad consultant which will give you right guidance to make your visa filing process easier. As from last few decades immigration industry has boomed, so in the market we have many of the immigration Consultants which are claiming to be best so it is very hard for the students to choose the right study abroad consultant, if you are also struggling with the same we will provide you the solution for this as we going to tell you few parameters by which you can easily select the appropriate study abroad consultant.

Let’s look at few parameters which are necessary to check while selecting the right study abroad consultant:

Research consultants: Firstly, you need to shortlist the consultants which you think can give you the services which you are looking for, now make a list of the shortlisted companies and start researching on it online as you can easily check the Google reviews and reviews of any company online which will give an idea about their services. Moreover, you can ask their clients about the Visa Services Chandigarh so that you can easily take the decision.

Check credentials: You need to check the credentials and qualification of the consultants as they must have authorized consultancy documents and the relevant education and experience in the field of international education so that give right guidance to the students as many of the consultants are fake, so clients who skip this step they might get fraud.

Ask for recommendations: You can ask your friends and family members for the recommendations who have already taken the Visa consultancy services; they can guide you better that which abroad consultant you should opt even if they have bad experience with some consultant he will surely make you aware about this also.

Read reviews and testimonials: In this, to check the reputation of the company you need to check the reviews and ask past clients about their experience will give you an idea about the reputation and track record of the company, as they are giving good services to the students.

Meet or interview consultants: You can meet them by scheduling an interview with them in which you can judge their knowledge by asking them different queries, you will also have an idea about how eager they are to understand your goals and will they help you make your dreams come true.

Discuss services offered: You can also discuss the services they are offering to their clients which might include helping in selecting the university, tailored visa guidance, ticket booking, forex services and post arrival services.

Check for specialization: You need to check the specialization of your consultant as in a academic there are different levels of education and every consultant have expertise at the specific level. You need to make sure that your consultant expertise must meet your academic.

Ask about partnership: You need to enquire, that your consultant have partnerships or tie ups with the universities, as these tie-ups are beneficial for you as they can give many of the benefits.

Review fee structure: You need to ask the fee structure of your consultant for the visa filling to make sure that they are in your budget or not, moreover you can compare the prices of the different companies while checking their quality of services.

Responsive team: When you are selecting any of the consultants you need to make sure that your consultant’s team is responsive or not they pick their clients calls, for this you can ask for the reference from the past clients so that you can make your mind about the consultancy.

Check for the transparency: In this you need to make sure that your client is following the transparent process or not which means they are using client’s email id or password while lodging your file so that you can track your visa process anytime only few of the Study Visa Consultants give this service to the clients.

Trust your instincts: In this ultimately, your indentations will help you to choose the study abroad consultant, if after meeting you feel that you are comfortable with the client you can select him, otherwise sometimes consultant is genuine but you do not have good intentions for them you should avoid him and look for the other option.

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