PinnedWhy I Built an AI-Based PRD ReviewerI’ve spent way more time than I’d like to admit scouring the web for product requirements document (PRD) examples — good ones, anyway…Jan 7Jan 7
Sending Faxes in 2024The fax services market is experiencing robust growth, with a projected CAGR of 11.03% from 2022 to 2028, reaching an estimated value of…Feb 1, 20241Feb 1, 20241
Published indotdevBuilding a Referral System with LaravelI recently launched a small product for Amazon Affiliates built with Laravel. At the heart of the application is a referral system. Users…Dec 16, 20161Dec 16, 20161
Published inSlackviteIntroducing SlackviteWell… there’s not much to “introduce” since we had a soft launch go bonkers a couple weeks ago.Jul 11, 2016Jul 11, 2016
Launching Slackvite For Building Public Slack CommunitiesI had the urge to build and ship something since I gave Hey Kramer to the world.Jun 29, 20161Jun 29, 20161
Building A Slack Slash Command With WordPress REST API BackendHow I built Hey Kramer — A Slack bot powered by WordPress for Seinfeld enthusiasts.May 12, 2016May 12, 2016
Building A Slack Bot With Node.js And WordPress REST APISome of my first experiments in the world of building a slack bot was to develop a basic Slash command using the WordPress REST API as a…Mar 24, 2016Mar 24, 2016