Men have learned to so easily back away from our truths

1 min readOct 10, 2019


Men have been convinced to hide our truths about our wants, needs, and desires. We withhold honesty all the time because we are told that our truths are somehow wrong.

This makes it impossible for us to enjoy life. Rather than openly being who we are, we choose to suppress it. When this fails, we lie, we cheat, we do whatever it takes to be who we truly are and to fulfill our real needs in secret.

The problem is that secrets and lies are always eventually exposed. Dishonesty is the cause of crisis, because crisis is exactly what happens when the truth exposes a lie.

There is nothing wrong with us to begin with and nothing we need to hide. Every person has a right to be who he or she is. If you feel this message, check out my eBook called The Switch.

Originally published at




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